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Versjonshistorie Desktop Info

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Endringer for v2.4.1 - v2.4.2

  • Change 1: Fixed bug where alarms were not changing color.
  • Change 2: Fixed bug where threshold would fail if property was the last one in the list.

Endringer for v2.4 - v2.4.1

  • There was a fatal flaw in the new CONTROL code which threw an exception and sent the application into a tail spin. This has been resolved along with a couple of other minor code cleanups.

Endringer for v2.3 - v2.4

  • Change 1: Added the common item option text-color which allows us to specify a color for the left column text.
  • Change 2: Added the key word TEXT-COLOR which allows us to specify a new default color for the left column text for all following items. This is distinct from the item option text-color above. See the discussion at Item Colors for an explanation of how it all works. If you do nothing, your current configuration will continue to work as it has.
  • Change 3: Added the wide option to CONTROL instead of using the wide font style to be consistent with other items.
  • Change 4: Added the left and width options to CONTROL.
  • Change 5: The auto-home timer is reset after a config change and reload.
  • Change 6: Removed redundant volume changed code since the last code that used it is gone.
  • Change 7: Added CONTROL2 item. It is identical to CONTROL except it doesn’t add a new display row, it is added to the display row of the previous CONTROL item. I’m still working on RTL for controls. I hope to have that sorted out in the next release.

Endringer for v2.1 - v2.2

  • Change 1: Fixed broken FILE2TEXT.
  • Change 2: Fixed broken TEXT.
  • Change 3: CMD is now Unicode aware. The target command executable must also be Unicode aware for this to be effective. I am yet to figure out exactly how to initiate a Unicode Powershell process so I don’t know if this works for Powershell or not. Perhaps if you work it out you can let me know.
  • Change 4: Fixed the confused font-rtl and text-align options. They are now separated and work independently. Both may be added to the [options] section as global defaults. Both may be added to individual items to override the defaults.
  • Change 5: I’ve begun adding some key words to the items section to make it easy to set item default values and try to reduce some of the complexity. For example, by setting page=1, you do not need to specify the active option for each item on that page.
  • Change 6: The old method of an item setting the current default colour is replaced with the new COLOR key word for setting the default colour. If you’ve been relying on this method to set default colours, you’ll notice some colour oddness. Just set the new COLOR key word at an appropriate spot in the items.
  • Change 7: I finally got around to making the context menu Unicode and configurable. You can adjust the text of the menu options (Refresh, Quit etc) using the [text] section in either the main ini file or the language ini file. I also added the ability to remove an option from the menu by setting it’s text to blank. Updated language files. Let me know if you think the translations need improvement.
  • Change 8: The page titles in the context menu are also Unicode aware. You can set the page titles using the [pages] section in either the main ini file or the language ini file. You can also set page titles on the fly using the new PAGE-TITLE key word. Updated language files.
  • Change 9: User variable names are no longer case sensitive.

Endringer for v2.0.1 - v2.1

  • Change 1: Refactored CPUUSAGE to a regular multi-row item. Replaced the count option with the maxrows option, changed the return values. If you’re using the bar chart with this item you will need to change it from property 1 to property 2.
  • Change 2: Banner graphic now supports many image formats.
  • Change 3: In the banner graphic, I believe I have resolved the issue of artefacts appearing around transparent png images.
  • Change 4: Items can now be split over multiple lines in the config file by ending the line with a backslash character as per Python, Bash etc to indicate it is continued on the next line.
  • Change 5: Added drive-size option to LOGICALDRIVES.
  • Change 6: Refactored the CMD item so it reads STDOUT directly. You no longer need to redirect to a temporary text file first. Return value %4 is now the default display template which will display the cmd output. Added the wide option so the output can be displayed over both columns. See the CMD example on page 6 of the desktopinfo-advanced.ini sample file for a good PowerShell example.
  • Change 7: Added total threads to PROCESSCOUNT.
  • Change 8: Added the row-text option to provide a way to create a logical row title in the left column. This option can include return values to display row data in the same way as the display template. For example to display the drive name in LOGICALDRIVES or the cpu id in CPUUSAGE. See the discussion here.
  • Change 9: The multirow option in the ALLIPADDRESS and DNSSERVER items now defaults to 1.
  • Change 10: FILECONTENTS1 and FILECONTENTS2 are replaced with a single FILECONTENTS with the wide option to control whether it’s displayed in the right column or over both columns.
  • Change 11: Having achieved the final hurdle of getting row titles in the left column, the deprecated item FIXEDDISK has been removed. You should use LOGICALDRIVES instead. Along with the refactored CPUUSAGE, this is the last of the weird parent/child items.
  • Change 12: Added maxrows to TOPPROCESSCPU and TOPPROCESSPF so you can have more than one top process.
  • Change 13: Might have fixed the bug where occasionally a control would hang around after the page has changed.
  • Change 14: Updated the desktopinfo-advanced.ini with some new pages.

Endringer for v2.0 - v2.0.1

  • Change 1: Fixed high cpu issue in 64 bit tool.
  • Change 2: Threshold colors now correctly support rgb format.
  • Change 3: Fixed large value threshold bug.
  • Change 4: Added support for escaped ampersand, “\&”, in addition to double ampersand, “&&”.

Endringer for v1.17 - v2.0

  • Change 1: Environment variables in the uri option of CONTROL are now resolved prior to execution.
  • Change 2: A new args option has been added to CONTROL for additional command line arguments.
  • Change 3: Fixed bug in LOGICALDRIVES where the set variable contained an extraneous pipe at the end.
  • Change 4: Added thread count to PROCESSMEM.
  • Change 5: Minor crash fix in mapping code.

Endringer for v1.16 - v1.17

  • Change 1: Fixed font sizing on controls.
  • Change 2: Added font-face to item common options.
  • Change 3: Fixed control alignment.
  • Change 4: Added [screen-saver] section to the ini file. This has all the same options as the [options] section but is used in screen saver mode. This means the screen saver is somewhat more flexible now.
  • Change 5: Added user variables to FILE, FILE2TEXT, FILECONTENTS1, FILECONTENTS2, FILEEXIST.
  • Change 6: Fixed a bug in FILE2TEXT that probably stopped it working altogether.
  • Change 7: Fixed a fatal crash on startup when the Processor performance counter is missing. Thanks to ntech2 for help tracking this one down.
  • Change 8: Finally got around to testing the ipv6list option in NETWORKINTERFACES and confirmed it is returning a full list of all ipv6 addresses.
  • Change 9: Added text-align to item common options so you can override the global text-align option on a per item basis.
  • Change 10: Added initial-page option to the [options] section. Particularly useful in the [screensaver] section.
  • Change 11: I’ve built a new unicode hyperlink control and also updated the button control for unicode.
  • Change 12: Added include-all option to FIXEDDISK. This gives you the option to include the floppy drives a: and b: in the fixed drive list. Default is off.
  • Change 13: Added option to specify item font-size as percent of the default font size set in the [options] or [screen-saver] sections

Endringer for v1.15.0 - v1.16

  • Change 1: Added expressions and user defined functions to display templates.
  • Change 2: Fixed best fit number format where 1000M should be 1G etc.
  • Change 3: Added null-result text string.
  • Change 4: Fixed WMI property value where very large number was being set to null.
  • Change 5: Fixed WMI where a null property display is processed incorrectly.
  • Change 6: Added hide-no-result option to item common options.
  • Change 7: Added CMD item to execute external tools such as cmd.exe or powershell.exe etc.
  • Change 8: Added font-size to item common options. Now you can set the font size for each item. The font-size in the [options] section remains the global font size but now each item can override it. Because the code controlling the font sizes and general layout has changed, the default value for the line-spacing option is now 1. No font-face option yet, maybe later.
  • Change 9: Added hide-key option to FILE2TEXT item.
  • Change 10: Added user variables to the key option in FILE2TEXT.

Endringer for v1.14.0 - v1.15.0

  • Change 1: Added handle count to PROCESSMEM.
  • Change 2: Added Unix text file (LF) support to FILE2TEXT.
  • Change 3: Added Unix text file (LF) support and multibyte support to FILECONTENTS1 and FILECONTENTS2.
  • Change 4: Finally got the main ini file multi-byte compatible. Now you can set the text and display options in the main ini file using any language provided you save the ini file as UTF-8. If your language is right-to-left, set the font-rtl option in the [options] section.
  • Change 5: Added CONTROL item. This provides button and hyperlink controls that will open the given resource (web page, document, folder, application etc.). The controls are not yet multi-byte compatible. There are examples in the desktopinfo-advanced.ini config file.
  • Change 6: Various stability fixes.
  • Change 7: Search for the supplied ini file in the application directory.
  • Change 8: Fixed crash with threads writing to the log file.
  • Change 9: Debug log level shows all entries.
  • Change 10: Fixed bug in ALLIPADDRESS with multi port NICs showing the same IP for both ports.
  • Change 11: Some changes to NETWORKINTERFACES. Where an interface has multiple IP addresses, return values %8 through %13 will show the first ipv4 and ipv6 addresses (it used to show the last one). The return values %15 through %22 (dns server etc) will all show a space delimited list of IP addresses.
  • Change 12: Added new options and return values to NETWORKINTERFACES to handle network interface cards with multiple ports and hence multiple IP addresses.
  • Change 13: Enhanced the EVENTLOG item to return more useful information. This used to run in a ‘watch’ thread, I don’t really know why, but it’s now a regular item.
  • Change 14: Added SNAPSHOT item to create a snapshot image of the current DTI display.
  • Change 15: During refresh, only reset the form position in normal display mode, never in “/f” mode.
  • Change 16: Added fallback in case no items were read from the config file.
  • Change 17: Added search for file in application directory to FILE2TEXT, FILECONTENTS1 and FILECONTENTS2.
  • Change 18: Added read hit ratio and read miss ratio return values to PAGEFAULTS.
  • Change 19: Fixed some colour issues in “/f” mode.

Endringer for v1.13.0 - v1.14.0

  • Change 1: Added the ‘key’ option to FILE2TEXT to retrieve a single value from a file.
  • Change 2: Allow absolute path in language file option. Change 3: Added user variables to the WMI query.
  • Change 4: Fixed crash due to null property in WMI results.

Endringer for v1.12.0 - v1.13.0

  • Change 1: Added line-spacing to [options]. This controls the number of pixels between rows so you can squeeze it closer together or spread it out.
  • Change 2: Fixed csv bug duplicating header cells.
  • Change 3: Added maxrows and %rowcount% to the WMI item. In addition to limiting the output of the WMI display, it also provides a way to display just the row count rather than all the rows. Keep in mind this still requires a full parse of the result set so a large WMI query will take some time to process even if just getting a row count.
  • Change 4: Added the text-offset common option to all items. The offset option of the NETWORKADAPTER and FIXEDDISK child items has been removed and they now have a default text-offset of 10 pixels. You can set this to any number to adjust the offset or 0 if you don’t want an offset.
  • Change 5: Fixed the offset bug in right aligned and right-to-left text.
  • Change 6: Added rgb option to item colours.
  • Change 7: In WMI queries, CIM_DATETIME fields are automatically split into the date and time components so you can format them properly in the display template. See WMI Date/Time Formatting.
  • Change 8: Added a sample ‘advanced’ ini file with multiple pages. You can either rename it to the main ini file, desktopinfo.ini or add it as a command line parameter: desktopinfo.exe /ini=desktopinfo-advanced.ini.
  • Change 9: Fixed header bug in VIRTUALMEMORY csv and added free and percent free to results.
  • Change 10: Fixed header bug PAGEFILE csv and added free and percent free to results.
  • Change 11: Added free and percent free to PHYSICALRAM.
  • Change 12: If there is one option on the command line with no ‘/’ prefix, it is assumed to be an ini file. This way you can drag an ini file onto the exe file to start Desktop Info using that ini file.
  • Change 13: Added ‘pages read from disk per second’ and ‘pages written to disk per second’ to PAGEFAULTS.
  • Change 14: Allow the bar charts to be on their own row so that they are full width. Add two pipe symbols to the end of the display template.
  • Change 15: Added the bar-colors option to customise the bar chart colors.

Endringer for v1.11.0 - v1.12.0

  • Change 1: Fixed REGISTRY so it can read “read only” keys.
  • Change 2: Now responds to display changes and hopefully also remote desktop display changes.
  • Change 3: Added the IF item. See Conditional Visibility for a full description.
  • Change 4: Added the ‘hidden’ common option to items. This allows you to retrieve data without necessarily displaying it. The SET and IF items are hidden by default. Useful for building composite items and doing conditional visibility.
  • Change 5: Fixed incorrect form height when using navigation buttons in “form” mode (/f).
  • Change 6: Fixed flickery navigation buttons.
  • Change 7: Added text-align option to [options].
  • Change 8: I’ve changed monitor-mode so that in virtual screen mode, the origin (top=0, left=0) is the top left of the virtual screen world rather than the top left of the primary monitor. You should review the size and position description to understand how it works now.
  • Change 9: Added monitor-num so we can place Desktop Info on a specific monitor. This option is not used when monitor-mode=1.

Endringer for v1.9.2 - v1.11.0

  • Change 1: Fixed a couple of pointer leaks in options loading and registry/event/file watchers.
  • Change 2: Changed load model for a couple of DLLs which were causing issues.
  • Change 3: Added counter option to TOPPROCESSMEM.
  • Change 4: Added private usage to PROCESSMEM.
  • Change 5: Introducing the DesktopInfo64 tool. This tool runs silently and allows me to retrieve 64 bit counters and other metrics not available to 32 bit applications.
  • Change 6: Fixed startup failure on Windows 2000.
  • Change 7: Added hexadecimal number format option.
  • Change 8: Updated reference English language file. If you are a translation contributor please check out your language file to ensure it’s accurate and up to date.
  • Change 9: Added the BIT display format.
  • Change 10: Added host option to the REG and REGEXIST items.
  • Change 11: Added support fields to OEMINFO.
  • Change 12: Added the monitor-mode option. This gives the option of using Primary Monitor mode or Virtual Screen mode. Previously DTI was using the Primary Monitor mode and this remains the default mode.
  • Change 13: Added navigation buttons. This really highlighted how unresponsive the gui was so…
  • Change 14: Added data collection thread to make the gui more responsive. Because of this separation, I’ve returned the application priority class to idle.
  • Change 15: More Unicode work in the ini file.
  • Change 16: Moved the [options] text strings into their own [text] section. You will need to move your ‘noresults’ option to this new section in order for it to be recognised. See the sample ini.
  • Change 17: Added ‘error’ text string.
  • Change 18: Added SESSIONID and RDSSESSIONID.
  • Change 19: Changed the TOPPROCESSCPU algorithm to be more accurate.
  • Change 20: Fixed bug where DTI was responding to Alt+F4 meant for another application.
  • Change 21: Added text-editor option.

Endringer for v1.91 - v1.9.2

  • Change 1: Fixed some fatal issues with the FILE/REGISTRY/EVENT monitor items.
  • Change 2: Fixed formcolor bug.

Endringer for v1.50 - v1.51

  • Fixed charts updating every second even though data is not updated.
  • Fixed regression bug with COMMENT item.
  • Fixed refresh ugliness and missing top lines.

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