JLC's Internet TV v1.2.1
Win2k / WinXP
Win2k / WinXP
JLC's Internet TV is a program for watching free online TV channels. It automatically finds over 1400 channels and have an online updater to keep the channel list updated. It has a user friendly interface and a powerful search function.
Note: Before you can use JLC's Internet TV, you need to have Windows Media Player and Real Player installed on your PC.
Note: Before you can use JLC's Internet TV, you need to have Windows Media Player and Real Player installed on your PC.
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Win2k / WinXP1
1Lisens og informasjon om operativsystemet er basert på nyeste versjon av programvaren.
JLC's Internet TV v1.2.1(Siste stabil versjon) 08.08.2011
JLC's Internet TV v1.1.0 22.12.2007
JLC's Internet TV v1.1 Beta 6 23.09.2007
JLC's Internet TV v1.1 Beta 5 08.08.2007
JLC's Internet TV v1.1 Beta 4 28.07.2007
JLC's Internet TV v1.1 Beta 3 20.07.2007
JLC's Internet TV v1.1 Beta 1 13.07.2007
JLC's Internet TV v1.0 29.04.2007
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