PhotoPagegen v7.4
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
PhotoPagegen is a photo web page generator to auto-generate a website of your photos and/or videos.
Drag and drop a folder of images and/or Youtube videos, that’s it!
Customize backgrounds, colors, thumbnails, effects
Display in time order (newest to oldest or vice versa), alphabetic, or random,
Include an auto-generated map of images using the embedded GPS
Captions (text, time, date, filename, EXIF date/time, etc.)
Overlays for text, graphics, watermarks, captions, author, date
Embed author/copyright into every image (modifies the EXIF data)
Proof Sheet with camera parameters
Lightbox / slideshow support… mobile friendly
Publish directly to an FTP web server (or other 3rd party web hosting
platforms like BitBalloon, NeoCities, etc.) for an…
Instant online webpage!
Drag and drop a folder of images and/or Youtube videos, that’s it!
Customize backgrounds, colors, thumbnails, effects
Display in time order (newest to oldest or vice versa), alphabetic, or random,
Include an auto-generated map of images using the embedded GPS
Captions (text, time, date, filename, EXIF date/time, etc.)
Overlays for text, graphics, watermarks, captions, author, date
Embed author/copyright into every image (modifies the EXIF data)
Proof Sheet with camera parameters
Lightbox / slideshow support… mobile friendly
Publish directly to an FTP web server (or other 3rd party web hosting
platforms like BitBalloon, NeoCities, etc.) for an…
Instant online webpage!
HTML-kode for å koble til denne siden:
Forfatterens hjemmeside
Besøk forfatterens nettsted
Dato lagt til
3.83 MB
(<1min @ 1Mbps)
Støttede språk
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1
1Lisens og informasjon om operativsystemet er basert på nyeste versjon av programvaren.
(Ingen anmeldelser enda)