QOwnNotes v20.7.9
Open source
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
QOwnNotes is an open source plain text notepad with markdown support and a todo list manager. Developed by Patrizio Bekerle.
It stores all of your created noted as plain-text on your desktop but you can sync them over devices with ownCloud or Nextcloud.
To manage your todo lists you need ownCloud tasks or Tasks++ as backend, with which you also can manage your todo lists in the web and on your mobile devices.
It stores all of your created noted as plain-text on your desktop but you can sync them over devices with ownCloud or Nextcloud.
To manage your todo lists you need ownCloud tasks or Tasks++ as backend, with which you also can manage your todo lists in the web and on your mobile devices.
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Open source1
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27.71 kB
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Støttede språk
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1
1Lisens og informasjon om operativsystemet er basert på nyeste versjon av programvaren.
QOwnNotes v20.7.9(Siste stabil versjon) 30.07.2020
QOwnNotes v20.3.0 02.03.2020
QOwnNotes v20.2.10 26.02.2020
QOwnNotes v20.1.2 04.01.2020
QOwnNotes v19.12.12 19.12.2019
QOwnNotes v19.11.22 26.11.2019
QOwnNotes v19.11.8 08.11.2019
QOwnNotes v19.10.6 17.10.2019
QOwnNotes v19.10.1 06.10.2019
QOwnNotes v19.9.5 07.09.2019
QOwnNotes v19.8.8 24.08.2019
QOwnNotes v19.8.2 03.08.2019
QOwnNotes v19.7.8 24.07.2019
QOwnNotes v19.5.2 12.05.2019
QOwnNotes v19.4.2 15.04.2019
QOwnNotes v19.4.1 10.04.2019
QOwnNotes v19.3.4 28.03.2019
QOwnNotes v19.3.3 20.03.2019
QOwnNotes v19.3.1 12.03.2019
QOwnNotes v19.3.0 03.03.2019
QOwnNotes v19.2.5 23.02.2019
QOwnNotes v19.2.4 12.02.2019
QOwnNotes v19.2.2 09.02.2019
QOwnNotes v19.2.0 02.02.2019
QOwnNotes v19.1.7 22.01.2019
QOwnNotes v19.1.6 20.01.2019
QOwnNotes v19.1.1 09.01.2019
QOwnNotes v19.1.0 01.01.2019
QOwnNotes v18.12.4 14.12.2018
QOwnNotes v18.12.2 08.12.2018
QOwnNotes v18.12.1 01.12.2018
QOwnNotes v18.11.3 17.11.2018
QOwnNotes v18.11.1 09.11.2018
QOwnNotes v18.10.6 29.10.2018
QOwnNotes v18.09.3 25.09.2018
QOwnNotes v18.09.2 20.09.2018
QOwnNotes v18.09.1 10.09.2018
QOwnNotes v18.09.0 08.09.2018
QOwnNotes v18.08.11 30.08.2018
QOwnNotes v18.08.10 29.08.2018
QOwnNotes v18.08.9 26.08.2018
QOwnNotes v18.08.7 24.08.2018
QOwnNotes v18.08.6 24.08.2018
QOwnNotes v18.08.5 22.08.2018
QOwnNotes v18.08.3 13.08.2018
QOwnNotes v18.08.2 08.08.2018
QOwnNotes v18.08.1 07.08.2018
QOwnNotes v18.07.4 21.07.2018
QOwnNotes v18.07.1 05.07.2018
QOwnNotes v18.06.6 26.06.2018
QOwnNotes v17.06.4 19.06.2017
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