PasteCopy.NET v1.3
Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win98 / WinME / WinXP
Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win98 / WinME / WinXP
PasteCopy.NET is a free portable Windows Clipboard Manager with multilingual support. It's fully automated and has a (auto-) resizable preview pane. PasteCopy.NET enlarges the capacity of Windows Clipboard and lets you organize csv (Comma separated values), html, rtf (Rich Text Format), text, unicode- text & images into customizable categories. The supported fomats can be previewed and copied to Windows Clipboard with a mouse-click, or by keyboard navigation. PasteCopy.NET is a portable freeware tool, only 587KB, and can run from a USB memory stick.
Key Features
Key Features
- Portable freeware tool, only (587KB)
- Multilingual support (de, en, es, it, nb-NO, pl, pt, sv, zh-cn)
- Auto- Copy & Paste Windows Clipboard
- Convert rtf to txt (-automatically)
- Convert html to rtf or txt (-automatically)
- (Auto-) resizable/hide preview
- Mouse-hover/keystroke preview
- Export and print function
Andre utgaver:
HTML-kode for å koble til denne siden:
Forfatterens hjemmeside
Besøk forfatterens nettsted
Dato lagt til
794 kB
(<1min @ 1Mbps)
Støttede språk
Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win98 / WinME / WinXP1
1Lisens og informasjon om operativsystemet er basert på nyeste versjon av programvaren.
PasteCopy.NET v1.3(Siste stabil versjon) 12.07.2014
PasteCopy.NET v1.2 beta 12.06.2014
PasteCopy.NET v1.1 12.06.2014
PasteCopy.NET v1.0.2 beta 21.04.2014
PasteCopy.NET v1.0.1 beta 16.04.2014
PasteCopy.NET v1.0 02.06.2013
PasteCopy.NET v1.0 beta 20.05.2013
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.15 20.05.2013
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.13 02.02.2013
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.12.1 beta 27.01.2013
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.12 beta 24.01.2013
PasteCopy.NET v 0.9.11 beta 13.01.2013
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.10 beta 03.01.2013
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.9.4 02.12.2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.9.1 beta 23.11.2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.9 beta 22.11.2012
PasteCopy.NET v. beta 12.11.2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.21 beta 11.11.2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.20 09.11.2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.19 Beta 05.09.2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.18 Beta 27.08.2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.17 Beta 18.08.2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.16 Beta 09.08.2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.15 Beta 06.08.2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.14 Beta 20.07.2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.13 Beta 01.06.2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.12 Beta 21.05.2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.10 21.09.2011
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.9 11.09.2011
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.8 Beta 04.09.2011
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.7 Beta 12.07.2011
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.6 Beta 20.06.2011
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.7.4 11.04.2011
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.6.2 30.01.2010
(Ingen anmeldelser enda)