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Chrome Autofill Viewer v1.0

Vista / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Chrome Autofill Viewer can pull and display all autocomplete data from Google Chrome, including forms, usernames etc.

For each piece of information pulled from Chrome, this app will show you the field name, the value (the actual data entered by the user), total used count, first used date and last used date.

You can even use it for data of different users on the same or a remote system.

If you are surprised by the amount of data your browser retains for you, you have an option to easily clear it all with a single click.

Here are the app's key features:
  • Instantly view all the Autofill list from Chrome browser
  • On startup, it auto detects Autofill file from Chrome's default profile location
  • Sort feature to arrange the data in various order to make it easier to search through 100's of entries.
  • Delete all the Autofill data with just a click of button
  • Save the displayed Autofill list to HTML/XML/TEXT/CSV file
  • Easier and faster to use with its enhanced user friendly GUI interface
  • Fully Portable, does not require any third party components like JAVA, .NET etc
  • Support for local Installation and uninstallation of the software

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Chrome Autofill Viewer v1.0Filstørrelse: 3.00 MB


Chrome Autofill Viewer v1.0
Lisens Freeware1
Forfatterens hjemmeside Besøk forfatterens nettsted
Dato lagt til 05.06.2015
Nedlastinger 0
Filstørrelse 3.00 MB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Støttede språk English  
Plattform Vista / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1

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