CookieSpy v4.3
Vista / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Vista / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
CookieSpy is a popular browser cookies manager.
As you use the Internet, your browser saved some information in the form of Cookie for most websites. The information can be used later by the website to, for example, keep you signed in.
Cookies can contain quite a bit of information.
CookieSpy is a tool that displays HTTP cookies stored on your computer by all popular web browsers.
Supported Browsers:
As you use the Internet, your browser saved some information in the form of Cookie for most websites. The information can be used later by the website to, for example, keep you signed in.
Cookies can contain quite a bit of information.
CookieSpy is a tool that displays HTTP cookies stored on your computer by all popular web browsers.
Supported Browsers:
- Internet Explorer
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Google Chrome Canary
- Chromium
- Apple Safari
- Opera
- Mozilla SeaMonkey
- Pale Moon
- Comodo Dragon
- Maxthon
HTML-kode for å koble til denne siden:
Forfatterens hjemmeside
Besøk forfatterens nettsted
Dato lagt til
483.50 kB
(<1min @ 1Mbps)
Støttede språk
Vista / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1
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