Free-Internetcam v1.4.0.0
Vista / Win7 / WinXP
Vista / Win7 / WinXP
Free-Internetcam is a tool that can setup a webcam http server on your PC.
Using this tool you will be able to access your webcam at home from a remote location using a browser. It automatically captures frames from the webcam and displays them in a browser.
You need to know your home IP address and you also need to set up port forwarding and allow access of the server through any running firewall in Windows.
Using this tool you will be able to access your webcam at home from a remote location using a browser. It automatically captures frames from the webcam and displays them in a browser.
You need to know your home IP address and you also need to set up port forwarding and allow access of the server through any running firewall in Windows.
HTML-kode for å koble til denne siden:
Forfatterens hjemmeside
Besøk forfatterens nettsted
Dato lagt til
559.45 kB
(<1min @ 1Mbps)
Støttede språk
Vista / Win7 / WinXP1
1Lisens og informasjon om operativsystemet er basert på nyeste versjon av programvaren.
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