Medford v1.11
Vista / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Vista / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Medford can view Modbus registers from Modbus Slaves using the Modbus RTU serial port and TCP/IP network protocols.
The functions 0x01 Read Coils, 0x02 Discrete Inputs, 0x03 Holding Registers, 0x04 Input Registers and 0x07 Exception Status are predefined. However, you can send any function code.
The Modbus Master shows each value in a graph. So you can see the history from each register. Further, you can set an Alias for each register.
The functions 0x01 Read Coils, 0x02 Discrete Inputs, 0x03 Holding Registers, 0x04 Input Registers and 0x07 Exception Status are predefined. However, you can send any function code.
The Modbus Master shows each value in a graph. So you can see the history from each register. Further, you can set an Alias for each register.
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Vista / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1
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