SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer v4.1.0
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer is a useful free tool you can use to optimize your Internet connection in Windows.
The tool uses advanced algorithms, and the bandwidth*delay product to find the best TCP Window for your specific connection speed. It provides for easy tuning of all related TCP/IP parameters, such as MTU, RWIN, and even advanced ones like QoS and ToS/Diffserv prioritization.
The program works with all current versions of Windows, and includes additional tools, such as testing average latency over multiple hosts, and finding the largest possible packet size (MTU).
The tool was developed and is distributed free by SpeedGuide.net
The tool uses advanced algorithms, and the bandwidth*delay product to find the best TCP Window for your specific connection speed. It provides for easy tuning of all related TCP/IP parameters, such as MTU, RWIN, and even advanced ones like QoS and ToS/Diffserv prioritization.
The program works with all current versions of Windows, and includes additional tools, such as testing average latency over multiple hosts, and finding the largest possible packet size (MTU).
The tool was developed and is distributed free by SpeedGuide.net
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Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1
1Lisens og informasjon om operativsystemet er basert på nyeste versjon av programvaren.
SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer v4.1.0(Siste stabil versjon) 23.02.2019
SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer v4.0.9 24.07.2018
SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer v4.0.7 30.04.2018
SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer v4.06 28.09.2016
SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer v4.0.5 05.05.2016
SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer v4.04 25.03.2016
SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer v4.0.3 04.11.2015
SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer v4.02 13.10.2015
SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer v4.0.1 28.09.2015
SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer v4.0.0 Beta 20.08.2015
SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer v3.0.8 15.08.2013
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