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SSuite NetVine (portable) v1.2.1.1

Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
SSuite NetVine is a collection of communication tool that can be used over a LAN or Wi-Fi network.

It was intended to be used off the Internet for local communication alone, sidestepping any eavesdropping activities of intelligence agencies and others online.

Key Features:
  • Active Inbox receiver
  • Fully dynamic network search
  • Completely and absolutely portable
  • Instant messaging{IM} to anyone on your network
  • Server-less connections over any LAN or Wi-Fi network
  • Fully encrypted and secure email capabilities over your network
  • Fast and direct file and document transfers with blind carbon copy
  • Fast and direct quick text and voice mail transfers with blind carbon copy

NOTE: This version is portable and doesn't require a full installation. Remember to run as administrator.
Free Download
SSuite NetVine (portable) v1.2.1.1Filstørrelse: 2.90 MB


SSuite NetVine (portable) v1.2.1.1

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Lisens Freeware1
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Dato lagt til 26.05.2015
Nedlastinger 0
Filstørrelse 2.90 MB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Støttede språk English  
Plattform Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1

1Lisens og informasjon om operativsystemet er basert på nyeste versjon av programvaren.

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