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AfterDawn Norge

Dette er en gammel versjon av programvaren. Du kan også laste ned v5.4.0 build 3970 (siste stabile versjon).


FlashFXP Portable Edition v4.4.0 build 1995

Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
FlashFXP is probably the best GUI-based FTP program ever made. Supports virtually all FTP features, including direct FTP-2-FTP (=FXP) transfers, SSL connections, has an excellent site manager (that includes upload/download stats for each site) and tons of other features.

Program is also extremely small, easily customizeable (beginning from the basics, such as split-view or Explorer-style view), secure (each site can be protected with your unique password in addition to normal site passwords) and reliable.

Trial version is fully functional -- only nag in trial version is the splash screen when you launch the software, but that's it.

Portable Edition
This installer is designed for use with either USB flash drives or other portable media, but can be installed anywhere. It does not add anything to the add/remove programs, and is configured to run completely from its installed location (does not interact with the registry settings or other FlashFXP installs). It is otherwise identical to the full shareware version.


FlashFXP Portable Edition v4.3.0 Build 1933 FlashFXP Portable Edition v4.0.0 build 1525 FlashFXP Portable Edition v4.0.0 build 1525