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Avast Decryption Tool for EncrypTile v1.0.133.0

Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Avast Decryption Tool for EncrypTile can decrypt files that were encrypted by the EncrypTile ransomware.

The encrypted files have the same filename with "encrypTile" added to the end. It uses AES-128 encryption, using a key that is constant for a given PC and user.

Run this tool and follow the process. In order for it to work properly however, you need an unencrypted version of an encrypted file. Finding this might not be easy. If you have an unencrypted photo on your phone or camera that has since been encrypted on your PC, you can use the original file and the encrypted file. You could also try to use tools that recover previously deleted files to find an original unencrypted version of a file.
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Avast Decryption Tool for EncrypTile v1.0.133.0Filstørrelse: 1.75 MB


Avast Decryption Tool for EncrypTile v1.0.133.0
Lisens Freeware1
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Dato lagt til 21.06.2017
Nedlastinger 0
Filstørrelse 1.75 MB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Støttede språk English  
Plattform Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1

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