EVE Fitting Tool v2.13.3
Vista / Win7 / WinXP
Instead of having to wait for your ship skills finish training and then experimenting with your fitting, you can plan what to plug in without even owning the ship itself. This saves you time and virtual money when planning the optimal fit for a ship.
EFT allows you to browse through the game's selection of ships and equipment, equip ships and examine their power grid / CPU usage as well as their DPS (damage per second) potential.
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Vista / Win7 / WinXP1
1Lisens og informasjon om operativsystemet er basert på nyeste versjon av programvaren.
27.05.2011EVE Fitting Tool v2.13.4(Siste stabil versjon)
02.02.2011EVE Fitting Tool v2.13.3
24.01.2011EVE Fitting Tool v2.13.2
08.12.2010EVE Fitting Tool v2.13.1
03.02.2010EVE Fitting Tool v2.12.3
10.12.2009EVE Fitting Tool v2.12.2
04.12.2009EVE Fitting Tool v2.12.1
02.04.2009EVE Fitting Tool version 2.9.1
(Ingen anmeldelser enda)