CSVed v2.5.5
Vista / Win10 / Win2k / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Vista / Win10 / Win2k / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
CSVed is a tool for viewing and editing CSV files in Windows.
You can manipulate CSV files separated by any separator.
Features include..
You can manipulate CSV files separated by any separator.
Features include..
- edit, add, insert and delete items;
- import;
- change separator;
- add, delete columns;
- rearrange column order;
- save selection of rows and columns;
- save filtered items;
- save with double quotes;
- search and replace;
- filter items;
- remove duplicates;
- append and merge files;
- install and uninstall
- help in English
- add prefix and suffix
- split and join columns
- export to HTML, Excel, Word, XML and more
- proper words and strings
- column search
- column sort and global sort
Andre utgaver:
HTML-kode for å koble til denne siden:
Forfatterens hjemmeside
Besøk forfatterens nettsted
Dato lagt til
27.58 kB
(<1min @ 1Mbps)
Støttede språk
Vista / Win10 / Win2k / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1
1Lisens og informasjon om operativsystemet er basert på nyeste versjon av programvaren.
CSVed v2.5.5(Siste stabil versjon) 29.07.2020
CSVed v2.5.3 12.11.2018
CSVed v2.5.2a 06.08.2017
CSVed v2.5.1 10.06.2017
CSVed v2.5 25.04.2017
CSVed v2.4 21.04.2016
CSVed v2.3.4 11.09.2015
CSVed v2.3.3 01.09.2015
CSVed v2.3.2 29.04.2014
CSVed v2.3.0 13.03.2014
CSVed v2.2.3 25.06.2013
CSVed v2.2.2a 26.05.2012
(Ingen anmeldelser enda)