Features include:
- fast comparisons thanks to multi-threaded engine
- 2-way and 3-way diff/merge for files and folders (why 3-way?): secure automatic merge
- enhanced text-based comparison for XML files
- in-line differences and merge
- binary comparison with ability to ignore unimportant ranges of data
- Unix patch generation, application, test and smart preview: no risk when applying patches
- syntax colouring
- maximum productivity: scriptable with ECMAScript, with dynamic toolbars and shortcuts for macros
- multi-connections FTP/FTPS and SCC comparisons and parallel updates
- graphical interface, command line and component
- numerous free converters for formats which are not supported natively
- explorer extension for Windows, Mac and Linux
- compares latest versions of Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Text and RTF documents
- compares quickly and precisely, navigating from change to change even within the lines
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1Lisens og informasjon om operativsystemet er basert på nyeste versjon av programvaren.
26.07.2014ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.5 build 201(Siste stabil versjon)
26.12.2013ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.5 build 196
04.12.2013ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.5 build 195
16.09.2013ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.5 build 192
04.08.2013ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.5 build 191
05.05.2013ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.5 build 190
25.03.2013ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.5 build 189
21.12.2012ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.5 build 187
21.10.2012ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.5 build 186
02.10.2012ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.5 build 184
15.09.2012ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.5 build 183
31.07.2012ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.5 build 182
17.07.2012ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.5 build 181
14.06.2012ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.5.178 Beta
01.06.2012ECMerge for Mac OS X (PPC) v2.4.161
(Ingen anmeldelser enda)