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Versjonshistorie Adobe Reader

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Endringer for v10.0.1 - v10.1.0

  • This is a major update that provides security fixes, feature updates, and major enhancements such as Protected View for Acrobat.

Endringer for v9.1 - v9.2

  • Product Area: Pre-Press
  • 2277606: The flattener alters position of characters.
  • When carrying out Flatten operation in a file, the position of characters is altered. This issue has been resolved. Root: fixes an issue found in
  • 2284613: IAC APIs of Adobe Acrobat SDK causes screen flickering.
  • When using Inter Application Communication (IAC) APIs to control opening and closing of PDF documents remotely, it causes flickering of screen. This issue has been resolved. Root: Fixes an issue found in 9.0
  • Product Area: Viewer
  • 2315230: Acrobat crashes Firefox browser
  • When the user attempts to comment on PDF files in tabbed windows, Acrobat causes Firefox browser to crash. This issue has been resolved. Root: fixes an issue found in 9.1
  • 2325119: Embedded scale not read properly when measuring
  • For PDF files with scale information, the measurement tool does not read the embedded scale. This issue has been fixed. Root: fixes an issue found in 9.1
  • 2352306: Using function does not close browser window and display submission page.
  • Printing, posting and closing a PDF file displays inconsistent behavior. This issue has been resolved. Root: fixes an issue found in 9.1
  • 2387794: Manipulating the bookmark tree and saving causes Reader-extended capabilities in the PDF file to end.
  • Adding data to a PDF file such as comments and manipulating the bookmarks causes Reader-extended capabilities in PDF files to disappear. This issue is resolved. Root: Fixes an issue found in 9.1.2
  • Product Area: Preflight
  • 2316635: Acrobat gives "CIDSet in subset font is incomplete" error message on PDF/A validation check
  • There is an inconsistent PDF/A validation result between LCES and Acrobat. This issue is resolved. Root: Fixes an issue found in 9.1
  • Product Area: Redaction
  • 2319863: Applying Redaction alters document layout
  • Upon applying Redaction marks to particular documents, the document layout is rearranged. This issue is resolved. Root: Fixes an issue found in 9.1
  • Product Area: Collaboration
  • 2321249: BBR removal and Reader update breaks online commenting workflow
  • BBR removal and Reader update breaks SSL online commenting workflow by not creating sub-folders at the root of the webDAV directory. This issue is resolved. Root: fixes an issue found in 9.1
  • Product Area: Accessibility
  • 2368852: Incorrect display with jaws 10 when viewing dynamic pdf form
  • The JAWS form field list appears to contain 2 ‘views’ of the form field controls. This issue is resolved. Root: Fixes an issue found in 9.1.2
  • Product Area: Webcapture
  • 1925344: Web Capture sets check box values as checked by default.
  • When converting an HTML form with multiple check boxes to PDF using Acrobat, all the check boxes are checked in resulting PDF. This issue is resolved. Root: fixes an issue found in 9.0
  • Product Area: Bates Numbering
  • 2311955: Bates feature "Replace file names with starting/ending Bates number" is broken
  • Files are not renamed after adding a Bates number. This issue is resolved. Root: fixes an issue found in 9.1
  • Product Area: Security
  • 2386590: Acrobat crashes checking invalid 2048-bit digital signature id validation in Acrobat 8.x via OSCP
  • Opening a signed PDF document with an invalid 2048 -bit digitial signature id crashes Acrobat. This issue is resolved. Root fixes an issue found in 9.1
  • Product Area: Annotations
  • 2396511: Provide a registry entry to turn on and off “On Behalf of” text in comments
  • To indicate pre-existing comments in a PDF file, Acrobat provides “On Behalf of” text in comments by default. This can now be turned on or off. Root: Fixes an issue in 9.1.3
  • Product Area: Javascript
  • 2396348: Allow reading file contents in JS stream
  • Acrobat JS makes it possible to get a file dialogue and request a file name but does not allow to load the file into memory. This fix allows loading the contents of file.
  • Product Area: PDF Maker
  • 2341507: PDFMaker 9.0 pops a macro security error when MS Outlook 2003 is launched.
  • This issue is fixed. Root: fixes an issue found in 9.0
  • 2348691: Custom URLs in the source document are being converted to hyper links in the converted PDF documents when they should not be.
  • Converting an MS Word document that has custom links (e.g. meadobe://my.adobe.url) results in the links being converted in the generated PDF. This issue is fixed. Root: Fixes an issue in 9.0
  • 2335153: Some word files when converted to PDF via PDFMaker function incorrectly (images gets blackened)
  • During PDF conversion of a specific Word template through PDF maker with Office 2007, images turn into black. The issue occurs when using PDFMaker (Acrobat tab > Create PDF) from Word 2007 in both Acrobat 9.0 Pro and Acrobat 9.1 Pro. This issue is resolved. Root: fixes an issue found in 9.0
  • Product Area: Distiller
  • 2338110: Security Permissions on customer desktop cause failure in Distiller driver plug-in and PDFMaker because they create keys under HKLM\...\PrinterJobControl which is only granted “READ” only permissions on that key.
  • Under a specific set of Security Permissions there is a failure in both Distiller and PDFMaker because PDFMaker and Distiller driver plug-in create any keys under HKLM\...\PrinterJobControl which is only granted “READ” only permissions on that key. This issue is fixed. Root: issue found in 9.0
  • 2309888: PDFMaker PDF creation from Word disconnects iPASS VPN and Internet connection.
  • Fixes an issue found in 9.1
  • Product Area: XTG
  • 2351180: saving a reader extended form with a comb object breaks the reader extension
  • The reader extension on the form is breaking when saving the form in reader 9.0, 9.1, and 8.1.4.This issue is resolved.
  • 2354024: Acrobat crashes when a PDF with XFA data description includes w3c dsig namespaced elements
  • Opening a PDF form created that has w3c dsig namespaced elements crashes Acrobat. This issue is resolved.
  • 2309921: Carriage return as last character in floating field value as well as carriage return in text object containing floating field crashes Reader 9.1
  • When the value of the floating field contains a carriage return as it's last character Some Text and the text of the of the text object containing the floating field has a carriage return after the floating field, Reader 9.1 will crash. This issue is resolved. Root: fixes an issue found in 9.1
  • Product Area: Forms
  • 2403546: UB is broken after filling in data in the form field, saving the file, and reopen the file.
  • Saving and closing a reader extended file after filling out data in a form field and subsequently opening the file again breaks the reader extension. This issue is resolved. Root: fixes an issue found in 9.1.3
  • Product Area: 3D
  • 2323806: Pro Engineer data file does not get converted properly
  • When customer converts the data of with PRO/E (Pro Engineer wildfire) format in PDFG3D, the data is not converted normally. However, export in .igs format works fine. This issue is resolved.
  • 2334327: An issue with watermark and 3D
  • If the watermark overlays the 3D object it’s very difficult to click on it. This issue is resolved.
  • 2342736: IPEQ comment views not maintained in shared review document when adding comments Adding comments such as Arrow and cloud comments to a 3D object in a browser session does not maintain IPEQ comment views. This issue is resolved. Root: Fixes an issue found in 9.1.1
  • 2365092: display the name as stored within the file
  • When loading a STEP file, depending of the software used, the node name is not correct. This issue is resolved.
  • 2365111: missing part on the STEP assembly
  • Opening a STEP file in any reading option results in missing parts. This issue is resolved.
  • 2365348: Scaling of NURBS approximation of CrvOnSurf
  • Using A3DCrvBaseGetAsNurbs to evaluate the curve appears to scale it by a factor of 1000.This issue is fixed.
  • 2365028: Problems reading UG files v NX6
  • Opening Unigraphics file leads to conversion error message. This issue is resolved.
  • 2365063: Crash reading inventor attributes
  • Inventor files when translated using Acrobat results in a crash. This issue is fixed.
  • 2365104: Tessellation fails on some face
  • Opening Step files in Acrobat causes face to be badly tessellated, leading to an infinite surface. This issue is resolved.
  • 2365109: Not enough memory error message
  • Opening Step files gives Not Enough Memory error message. This issue is resolved.
  • 2365077: OneSpace Designer files not loading in Acrobat
  • Acrobat or 3d Viewer does not load Onespace Designer files. This issue is resolved.
  • 2365071: Crash when parsing Attributes
  • When parsing through attributes of first product occurrence, Reader crashes. This issue is resolved.
  • 2365102: Crash in A3DGraphSceneDisplayParametersGet()
  • A crash happens when A3DGraphSceneDisplayParametersGet() is called. This issue is resolved.
  • 2412722: Missing data for edges
  • When parsing there seem to be many co-edges that point to egdes which have NULL topo data. This issue is resolved.
  • 2365083: Unclear explanation in A3DSDKTessellation
  • Few redundant comments in A3DSDKTessellation.h have been removed. This issue is resolved.
  • 2365346: Calculating start/end point of parabolic curve
  • Documentation for calculating parabolic curve from prc definition is incomplete. This issue is fixed
  • 2412705: Information on A3DSurfBlend01Data data structure
  • Documentation for Blend01 surface in A3D API is incomplete. This issue is resolved.
  • 2413648: Documentation : how to decipher A3DMiscCartesianTransformationData
  • Added comments in A3DSDKMisc.h regarding A3DMiscCartesianTransformationData.

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