Versjonshistorie ArsClip
<<Tilbake til programvarebeskrivelsen
Endringer for v5.30 - v5.31
- (Window: Edit Permanent Clip)
- Fix: issue saving RichText clips directly created in the window
- Fix: "Online Code Examples" not displayed correctly
- Fix: menu [Popup Clips>Get Clipboad As] not working for Picture/Files
- Fix: Clipboard Find/Replace command not working with "\t" for tabs
- Fix: vertical scrollbar missing for Rich Text edit control
- Fix: current group name not always shown
- (Window: Popup)
- Fix: Pinned mode not always pasting in target window during Explorer Compatibility mode
- Fix: improved detection of "Explorer Compatiblity" mode for Popup
- (Window: Clip Menu)
- Fix: issue using "Make Permanent" when Popup in Pinned mode
- Fix: Mimic Typing disabled for text Permanent Clips
- Fix: "Paste Using" options enabled for script Permanent Clips
- (Misc)
- Fix: updated SetForegroundWindow routine to restore a minimized window
- Fix: graphics memory leak when showing the popup
- Fix: memory leak when using certain windows
- Fix: added code to prevent certain events from triggering before program fully loaded
- Fix: added safety code to ignore quickly repeated "new clipboard" events
- Fix: updated Clipboard Monitor logic for when Picture and Text is detected
- Fix: Removed Clips not working for 10 minutes on the very first run
- (Window: Edit Clips/Macros)
- Fix: small memory leak when viewing Removed Clips
- (Window: Clipboard Bar)
- Fix: display sometimes blank for for formatted clips
- Fix: old clipboard sometimes shown when copying formatted text
- Fix: issue with font settings not activating correctly
- (Window: Configure)
- Fix: Text Format order not loaded properly
Endringer for v5.27 - v5.28
- (Window: Configuration)
- New: increased the maximum for Popup Clips
- Fix: Drag-Drop issue with Custom Menus list
- Fix: Custom modifier key action not working with "Destroy"
- (Window: Edit Clips/Macros)
- New: added default help text about macro references
- New: added Edit Group popup menu
- New: updated Permanent Clips lists to support multiselect for deleting/moving clips
- Fix: drag-drop reordering udpated for multiselect for Permanent Clips
- Fix: "Copy" not setting clipboard for Removed Clips
- (Window: Edit Permanent Clip)
- New: PINNEDITEM command added (Insert Commands > Insert)
- New: CLIPBOARDFROMFILE added (Insert Commands > Edit Clipboard)
- New: added "Convert Clip to Plaintext" on right click menu (when plaintext version available)
- New: updated description when formatted clip is Read-Only
- (Window: Popup)
- Fix: issue exiting program when Pinned to Desktop
- (Window: Clip Menu)
- Fix: delete/destroy not working for Pinned Clips
- (Misc)
- Fix: possible issue with large number of global hotkeys
- Fix: issue grabbing clipboard contents after certain Macro commands
- Fix: corrected group indexing - defaulting to alphabetical
Endringer for v5.26 - v5.27
- (Window: Clip Menu)
- Fix: Edit not working on Pinned clips
- (Window: Edit Permanent Clip)
- Fix: Edit Clipboard menu items not functioning when clicked
- (Window: Popup)
- Fix: issue showing Tooltip Hint for removed clips when using Filter search mode
- (Misc)
- Fix: workaround for newline character and mimic typing not working for some programs
- Fix: another issue with global hotkeys
- Fix: issue setting and clearing global hotkeys
Endringer for v5.25 - v5.26
- (Popup)
- Fix: further position issues with submenus
- Fix: visual glitch near right edge of popup
- Fix: position issue with submenus near the edge of the screen
- (Window: Edit Clips/Macros)
- Fix: issue with ignore newlines option
- (Misc)
- Fix: issue with plain text pasting and hotkeys with ALT
Endringer for v5.24 - v5.25
- (Window: Edit Permanent Clip/Edit Macro)
- New: reworked the interface
- New: added integrated references and help
- New: added Online Code Examples
- (Window: Edit Clips/Macros)
- Fix: issue with multiple deletes in the History tab
- Fix: visual issues with History tab when resizing window
- (Window: Popup)
- Fix: issue with a large popup disappearing when updated
- Fix: error message after showing Clip Menu on Permanent Clips
Endringer for v5.23 - v5.24
- (Window: Clip Menu)
- Fix: issue running JavaScript custom menus
- Fix: issue with custom menu macros with newlines
- (Window: Popup)
- Fix: error dialog when enabling Form Mode
- Fix: Clip Menu arrow keys
- Fix: Filter not disabled when keyboard support disabled
- (Misc)
- fix: issue with ShowClipCues ini setting
Endringer for v5.22 - v5.23
- (Misc)
- Fix: issue with Removed Clips
Endringer for v5.21 - v5.22
- (Permanent Clips/Macros)
- Fix: issue resetting global hotkey
- New: added mouseclick keystroke
- (Window: Popup)
- Fix: issue with blank shortcut key
- (Misc)
- Fix: issue with system tray tooltip
Endringer for v5.20 - v5.21
- (Window: Popup)
- New: replaced warning dialogs when showing the Popup with visual cue
- Fix: display time improved
- Fix: crash if hotkey pressed before creating/updating clip database
- Fix: focus issue with Permanent Clips when using Pin to Desktop mode
- Fix: minor icon drawing issue for menus shorter than 16 pixels
- Fix: Filter minor drawing issue
- Fix: highlight display issue for icons on Title Bar
- Fix: Tab key click actions not working
- Fix: Permanent Group switching with mousewheel could cause an error
- Fix: reworked positioning calculation routines
- Fix: reworked expanding menus routine
- Fix: added indicator when "Current Permanent Clips" is empty
- (Window: Clip Menu)
- New: redesigned and works in Explorer Compatibility mode
- Fix: Clip Menu items not correct for "Current Clipboard"
- Fix: issue with Custom Macros and "STAYOPEN" command
- Fix: issue with "Paste Using" and Permanent Clips
- Fix: tweaks for visuals of expandable menus
- Fix: Mimic Text menu not disabled for non-text clips
- (Permanent Clips)
- Fix: reworked global hotkeys
- Fix: crash issue with Shared Groups and clips with associated icons
- Fix: focus issue with global hotkeys
- Fix: issue with bracket character in quotes in a command
- (Window: Edit Clips/Macros)
- Fix: new plaintext clips not always shown when created with Clip Menu
- Fix: Global hotkeys not listed correctly
- Fix: list control not refreshed when Popup Clips updated
- Fix: index out of bounds error may sometimes occur on History tab
- (Clipboard Monitor)
- New: updated PreCaptureDelay with automatic adjustments
- Fix: automatic workaround for possible "Cannot open clipboard" error
- (JavaScript)
- New: new JScript engine
- New: added getCurrentClipboard function to JavaScript
- Fix: synchronization issue
- Fix: macro label issue
- (Configuration)
- New: added "Global Clipboard" section with setup information
- New: added "Making Backups" section
- Fix: all settings not saved on very first run
- Fix: "Move to Top" setting sometimes not loaded
- Fix: updated the Menu Items settings for font
- (System Tray)
- Fix: workaround for hover tooltip showing when Task Manager run
- (Misc)
- Fix: updated color for disabled text on the Popup and Clip Menu
- Fix: Global Clipboard stops responding on Windows
- Fix: workaround for database issue with duplicate hotkey entries
Endringer for v5.10 - v5.20
- (Popup)
- New: added Title Bar
- New: moved Filter icon to Title Bar
- New: System and Show More menus moved to Title bar
- New: Added "Pin to Desktop" mode to Title Bar
- New: Alt key now also toggles Title Bar shortcut keys
- New: optimized speed showing Permanent Clips
- Fix: prevent popup from displaying under Taskbar
- Fix: Search and Paste menu moved to Pasting Tools menu
- Fix: various visual improvements
- Fix: changed default font to system default for Vista and above
- Fix: minor color issues
- Fix: issue using Mimic Typing when displayed using the the Clipboard Bar
- Fix: improved scaled picture displaying
- Fix: visual shortcut key issue when a very large number of menu items visible
- (Popup > Form Mode)
- Fix: sometimes activated Clipboard Only mode when Shared Permanent Groups used
- Fix: shortcut key issue after activating
- Fix: Esc key not working
- Fix: focus issue when only keystrokes are used to paste
- (Popup > Filter)
- New: speed drastically improved
- New: results for removed clips now grouped into Clip Sets
- Fix: icon not disabled for Explorer Compatibility mode
- Fix: may cause an error when Clip Sets disabled
- Fix: added visual cue when no Removed Clips found
- (Clip Menu)
- New: add "Show More" to menu item
- New: reworked default settings
- Fix: issue when clicked and shortcut keys are not shown
- (JavaScript)
- New: improved performance for error reporting and execution
- Fix: race condition could cause a freeze when executing
- Fix: "saveToPopupClips" function was appending a quote to the end of the string
- (Edit Clip Window)
- New: reworked how macros and scripts are tested
- Fix: improved JavaScript error highlighting
- Fix: word wrap disabled for JavaScript clips
- (Edit Clips/Macros Window)
- Fix: added JavaScript category under Help/About
- (Permanent Clips)
- Fix: workaround for ALT+"X" style global hotkeys not pasting
- Fix: clipboardsplit command issue
- Fix: redundant delays removed when executing a keystrokes/commands macro
- (Configure Window)
- New: Tab key now defaults to show shortcut keys for the Title Bar
- New: added ReturnPopupFocusWhenPinned hidden settings
- New: added configuration option for the Title color
- Fix: Color Scheme examples not updating preview window
- Fix: reworked the Keystrokes/Click section
- Fix: Per-Program Options list not always showing icon for non-default settings
- (Clipboard Monitoring)
- New: changed condition where a picture and text is detected to copy both
- Fix: reworked the clipboard copy routine
- (System Tray)
- Fix: issue on slower systems using tray icon before program is fully loaded
- (Misc)
- Fix: adjustments to pasting routine
- Fix: database missing index performance issue
Endringer for v5.09 - v5.10
- (Edit Clips/Macros)
- New: update the Help/About section
- New: more help documentation added
- New: update the Help/About tab with more information under 'Databases'
- Fix: databases tab showing "shared" database as an option
- Fix: issue with saving clips in a shared Permanent Group
- (Configuration)
- New: added a Configuration Help section
- (Popup)
- Fix: "Make Permanent" not freshing the Permanent Group window when clip saved
- Fix: "_Form Mode" items were shown on the popup when the Home key was pressed
- Fix: "Form Mode" sometimes closing when losing focus
- (Permanent Clips/Macros)
- Fix: Hotkey issue after deleting or moving clips
- Fix: the Append and Prepend COPY commands updated to use the current clipboard state
- Fix: issue running JavaScript in some cases
- (Misc)
- New: added arsclip.INI option "SearchRemovedOnByDefault" and "AlwaysClearFilter" for the Popup Filter
- Fix: import screen showing shared database as an option to import from on a new install
- Fix: changes to JavaScript error logging
Endringer for v5.08 - v5.09
- New:(Permanent Clips/Macros)
- - added Shared Permanent Groups to Databases tab
- New:(Misc)
- - added ExtractIconForPopup hidden variable to arsclip.ini file
- - added new IconRetryCount hidden variable to arsclip.ini file
- Fix:(Popup)
- - Paste Using>Mimic not working
- Fix:(Configuration)
- - Text Clips formats setting not loading properly
- Fix:(Database)
- - automatically correct "cannot load clip" issue caused by a moved permanent clip
- Fix:(Permanent Clips/Macros)
- - issue with "Move" feature
- - updated keystroke command
- Fix:(Misc)
- - issue with tooltip and formatting option
Endringer for v5.04 - v5.07
- New:(Popup)
- - Form Mode keystrokes under Pasting Tools are now customizable
- New:(Edit Clips)
- - added information to History tab
- - added information to Permanent Clips/Macros tab
- - added "Compact Local Database" option to Databases tab
- - added "_Form Mode" to Permanent Clips/Macros tab
- New:(Edit Clip Window)
- - added new CLIPBOARDSPLIT command
- - added new Example Command for CLIPBOARDSPLIT
- - updated the Commands>Insert menu for CLIPBOARDSLIPT
- New:(Clip Menu)
- - added Configure menu item
- New:(Configuration)
- - added thickness setting for the Trigger Window
- Fix:(Database)
- - updated database to prevent a conversion issue (floating point overflow)
- - window now shown if database updates/import may take some time to complete
- - work-around for outside programs locking the database
- - issue with Permanent Group names and the clip database
- Fix:(Edit Clips)
- - "Set" button error when no clip has been clicked
- Fix:(Macros)
- - issue with the INPUT command window
- Fix:(Clip Menu)
- - error when a large amount of custom menus used
- Fix:(Popup)
- - unable to right click clips in Explorer Compatibility mode
- - Pinned clips can now be re-ordered with a drag.
- Fix:(Misc)
- - "missing EnableLUA" error message on some machines
- - added new settings to arsclip.ini file
- Fix:(Clipboard Bar)
- - position saved after drag-moved
- Fix:(Global Clipboard)
- - race condition causing a "Duplicates not allowed" error message
Endringer for v5.01 - v5.04
- New:(Popup)
- - added Search Removed checkbox for Filter searches
- - added keystrokes to execute commands using Shortcut Keys
- New:(Permanent Clips/Macros)
- - updated keystrokes to allow for repeat count
- - added new options for the [COPY] command
- - added option to ignore newlines for macros
- - added double click support for Permanent Clips/Macros list
- - added drag/drop support for Permanent Clips/Macros list
- Fix:(Permanent Clips/Macros)
- - issue importing a Permanent Clip
- Fix:(Misc)
- - database issue when saving a clip that is a large number
Endringer for v4.20 - v5.01
- EDIT: 5.01 fixes a Win7 issue and detecting UAC
- New:(Edit Clips/Macros)
- - combined Edit History and Permanent Clips into one window
- - new tab for working with other clip databases
- - replaced About / Help tab
- New:(Configuration)
- - added Clear button for plaintext hotkey
- - added Global Clipboard options under Clipboard Monitoring
- New:(Clipboard Monitor)
- - added visual cues when clipboard is ignored
- New:(Popup)
- - added visual cues when "Clipboard Only" mode is active
- New:(Misc)
- - added automated compatibility for running from USB drive, remote folder, or local drive
- - more checks for possible issues with protection programs and file permissions
- Fix:(Permanent Clips/Macros)
- - issue pasting using a Global Hotkey
- Fix:(Popup)
- - issue when clip list changes while popup is open
- Fix:(Misc)
- - date format issue with some regions
- - rewritten Popup and Removed clip storage
- - re-implemented MimicDelayMS ac.ini variable
- - added MimicDelayMSEnabled ac.ini variable, default is false
- Fix:(Tooltip)
- - issue when clicking system tray tooltip
- Fix:(Permanent Clips/Macros)
- - issue when pasting a clip containing keystrokes
Endringer for v4.19 - v4.20
- New:(Clip Menu)
- - reworked the visuals
- - support for keyboard navigation
- - support for macros using Custom Menus
- New:(Configuration)
- - new settings page [Popup>Clip Menu]
- - added Custom Macro to Per-Program Options
- - updated Keystrokes/Clicks information
- - new 'Pin to taskbar' button under [Misc>Jumplist]
- New:(Permanent Clips/Macros)
- - improved interactions with external scripts and programs
- - new 'Wait for New Clip' command
- - new 'Clipboard to Textfile' command
- - updated [RUN] command to include [ENDRUN]
- - [RUN] now parses all literal text and insert commands
- - updated [WINDOWSEARCH] to support [WINDOWSEARCH=""]
- New:(Popup)
- - added 'move clip' keystrokes
- - added 'show Clip Menu' keystroke
- Fix:(Popup)
- - improved delete keystroke
- - various issues with Keystroke / Clicks settings
- - Tooltip Hint not defaulting to text over HTML code
- - drawing issues with very large font sizes
- - tall menu text not always vertically centered
- - minor visual tweaks
- Fix:(Permanent Clip/Macros)
- - issue with Clipboard State command
- Fix:(Debug)
- - reworked the debug window
- - old debug logs preserved
Endringer for v4.18 - v4.19
- New:(Popup)
- - header added when running in Clipboard Only mode
- - header added when running in Explorer Compatibility Mode
- - added header to the current Permanent Group
- - added submenu to Permanent Group header
- New:(Configuration)
- - added option to show tooltip for hotkeys
- - new [Menu Items>Popup Clip Icons] settings
- Fix:(Popup)
- - hides when left click is not on popup for Explorer Compatibility mode
- - tooltip size issue for certain items
- Fix:(Configuration)
- - Configuration Mode not saved
- - History settings not saved
Endringer for v4.17 - v4.18
- New:(Popup)
- - PageUp/Down keys navigate between Clip Sets
- - Home/End keystrokes changes Permanent Clips
- - help tooltip shown when Shift, Ctrl, or Alt held
- - pressing Shift, Ctrl, or Alt closes Tooltip Hint
- - various left column icon tweaks
- - 'Removed Clips' menu shown when Clip Sets filtered
- - 'Removed Clips' menu shown for multiple Clip Sets
- - added experimental mouse icon
- New:(Configuration)
- - reworked the layout, re-organized
- - added 'Configuration Mode' to main window
- - added Tab key to [Keystrokes] page
- - added display options to [Clipboard Bar] page
- - added 'Explorer Compatibility Mode' setting to [Per-Program Options] page
- - added mousewheel settings to [Behavior] page
- - added options to [Popup Hotkeys] page
- New:(Permanent Clips/Macros)
- - created '_System' group
- - new command: [Edit Clipboard>Place Popup Clip on Clipboard]
- - new command: Paste
- - reworked editing global hotkeys for clips
- Fix:(Configuration)
- - Allow Pictures checkbox not working
- - Scroll Lock key option was broken
- Fix:(Popup)
- - hover issue for Permanent Groups with many items
- - updated automatic Explorer Compatibility mode to include file dialogs
- - improved Mimic Typing for Unicode characters
- - improved autoscroll for tall popups
- - tooltip position bug
- Fix:(Permanent Clips/Macros)
- - issue with tooltip shown when hotkey activated
- - edit issue with Enter key when editing clips
- - changed font used for editing clips
- - conflict between Permanent Clips/Macros and Per-Program Options fixed
- Fix:(Misc)
- - "Flush Clipboard" now also deletes the clip from Popup Clips
- - Removed Clips configuration upper limit increased
- - minor performance increase when displaying Removed Clips
Endringer for v4.16 - v4.17
- New:(Popup)
- - added Filter feature to Clip Sets
- - several visual tweaks
- - improved mouse button popup trigger compatibility
- New:(Configuration)
- - added "Left+Right Click" and delay options to [Hotkey > Alternatives]
- - new [Popup>Display Options>Clip Sets] options
- - several minor changes
- Fix:(Configuration)
- - improved compatibility for "remove text formatting" option
- - improved various default settings for a first install
- Fix:(Clipboard Bar)
- - improved toolbar interface
- Fix:(Misc)
- - rare "Access Violation" error message on copy
- - "Cannot Create File" error message issue
- - issue saving empty clip queues
Endringer for v4.15 - v4.16
- New:(Configuration)
- - re-organized settings for easier navigation
- - new [Popup>Position] settings
- New:(Permanent Clips/Macros)
- - reworked the Commands menu
- - "Copy and Wait for Clip" command added
- - added Temporary Clips List commands
- New:(Pasting Tools Menu)
- - added 'Paste All Files' menu item
- New:(Popup)
- - added experimental mouse wheel support
- Fix:(Popup)
- - usability issue when displaying long submenus
- - made submenus more mouse friendly
- - updated fallback positions for Automatic mode
- - improved compatibility for right-click trigger
- Fix:(Permanent Clips/Macros)
- - "Wait" command delay setting broken
- - updated [WINDOWCLIPBOARD] command for bitmaps
- - conflict when text-scrubbing option is turned on
- Fix:(Misc)
- - small memory leak (GDI Objects)
- - added check for startup issue
- - "Cannot create file" error when clip is empty
Endringer for v4.14 - v4.15
- New:(Clipboard Bar)
- - visibility options
- - height changed when toolbar toggled
- - more state information saved
- - Alter Clip menu item for removing linefeeds
- New:(Configuration>Keystrokes)
- - added Alt+Select option
- - fixes for compatibility with Mimic Typing
- New:(Configuration>Hotkey Alternative)
- - added popup option when middle mouse button held
- Fix:(Popup)
- - issues and improvements to picture thumbnails
- - more Explorer mode tweaks
- - tweaks to Explorer compatibility mode
- Fix:(Configuration)
- - various visual tweaks
- Fix:(Configuration>Hotkeys)
- - issues with non-English keyboards
- Fix:(Clipboard Bar)
- - final display issue fix
- Fix:(Right Click Trigger)
- - no longer activated when mouse is moved/dragged
- Fix:(Permanent Clips Edit Window)
- - CTRL+A not working for Select All
- Fix:(Misc)
- - added Explorer compatibility mode
- - popup warnings only displayed once per program, per session
Endringer for v4.13 - v4.14
- Fix:(Clipboard Bar)
- - visibility issues
- Fix:(Misc)
- - icon load issue at startup on some systems
- Fix:(Removed Clips)
- - cache issue after reindexing
- - Recently Removed not always emptied when flushed
Endringer for v4.11 - v4.12
- New:(Popup)
- - improved picture displaying
- - improved performance
- New:(Tooltip)
- - improved picture displaying and scaling
- - improved HTML and RichText displaying
- - HTML Clips shown as RichText on Tooltip, when possible
- New:(Clipboard Bar)
- - improved the interface
- - improved clip displaying
- New:(Permanent Clips)
- - Tooltip shown when activating a global hotkey
- - added Edit Clipboard case commands
- New:(Edit History)
- - re-worked the Removed Clips tab for performance
- New:(Configuration)
- - Pin/Unpin command added Keystrokes/Mouse options
- Fix:(Popup)
- - clip caption cached for minor performance improvement
- - minor changes to Tooltip position
- - issue with [Configuration>Jumplist>Trigger Popup] setting
- Fix:(Permanent Clips Window)
- - issue drawing older Unicode clips
- Fix:(Misc)
- - reduced clipboard access
- - re-worked clip read/write routines
- - re-worked icon cache
- - re-worked clip queues
- - memory leak in Recently Removed clips
- - issue with error reporting in Permanent Clips
Endringer for v4.10 - v4.11
- New:(Popup)
- - enhanced shortcut keys for keyboard users
- - improved color support
- - improved icon visuals
- - various other visual improvements
- New:(Configuration)
- - improved the color settings under 'Display Options'
- - new 'Jump List' settings page added
- - 'Tooltip Hint' option for showing header/footer
- New:(Permanent Clips Windows)
- - new Edit Clipboard commands
- - made windows more keyboard friendly
- - current group is now shown on edit window
- Fix:(Popup)
- - [Program Options] pasting method changes not immediate
- Fix:(Search and Paste)
- - window now closes when focus is lost
- Fix:(Misc)
- - error message on startup on Win8 and some Win7 systems
- - small improvement to debug logging
Endringer for v4.9 - v4.10
- New:(Popup)
- - Clip Sets support added for Popup Clips
- - clicked clips show in a different color
- - tooltip notification when pasting in Clipboard Only programs
- New:(Tooltip)
- - Richtext support added
- New:(Clip Menu)
- - reworked Paste and Make Permanent menus
- - added shortcut key support
- New:(Configuration)
- - new [Clipboard>Text Clips] option to ignore large clips
- - added [Popup>Clip Sets] options
- - [Popup>Keystrokes] option to limit keys used by Popup Clips
- - [Popup>Tooltip] option to show richtext formatting
- - [Clipboard>History] increased the Popup Clip maximum
- - renamed Show Options to Display Options
- New:(Permanent Clips)
- - added more information in the Help tab
- - support for \n and \t in "Find and Replace Clipboard" command
- Fix:(Popup)
- - Popup Clips visible whitespace characters not working for formatted text
- - improved fullscreen program detection for Right-Click Trigger
- - issue with accelerator keys that require Shift to create
- - minor click issue with separator lines on the popup
- Fix:(Misc)
- - sporadic pasting issue when using system tray to show popup
- - issue with invisible form on taskbar
Endringer for v4.8 - v4.9
- New:(Popup)
- - significant performance improvements
- New:(Tooltip)
- - added footer for clip information
- New:(Configuration>Show Options)
- - option to disable thumbnails for Picture Clips
- New:(Permanent Clips)
- - new [TRIMCLIPBOARD] command to remove leading and trailing spaces
- - added [MIMIC] command for mimic typing
- Fix:(Popup)
- - Double Height setting not working for Recently Removed clips
- Fix:(Tooltip)
- - hotkey missing in footer for Permanent Clips
- - issue with position on bottom-left corner of the screen
- Fix:(Recently Removed)
- - size reverting back to 5 clips
- Fix:(Misc)
- - issue with some popup clip pictures not loading on startup
- NOTES: Footer information will only be shown for newer clips.
Endringer for v4.7 - v4.8
- Fix:(Permanent Clips)
- - issues creating clips on a new install
- NOTES: This hotfix addresses an issue that stops a new install from being able to create a Permanent Clip.
Endringer for v4.5 - v4.7
- Fix:(Popup)
- - clip icons issue
- NOTE: Existing clips made with 4.6 will not have the correct icon.
- Changes in v4.6
- [download replaced by above version]
- New:(Configuration)
- - option for middle mouse button click actions
- - Popup color options
- New:(Clip Item Menu)
- - new [Paste ... > As File] option
- New:(Permanent Clips)
- - Command to delete a PopupClip
- New:(Misc)
- - arsclip.ini option TXTProgram for specifying editing program
- - arsclip.ini option BMPProgram for specifying editing program
- Fix:(Popup)
- - updated All Permanent methods for displaying 'switch' menus
- - pinned items not detected as current clip after unpinning
- - issue with [System>Flush] separator line
- - unpinned items return after a program restart
- Fix:(Permanant Clip Edit)
- - right-click menu updated to replace any type of current clip
- Fix:(Edit History)
- - issue with exporting RichText clips
- Fix:(Tooltip Hint)
- - updated to show hotkeys for permanent clips
- Fix:(Permanent Clips)
- - issue when re-saving formatted or non-text clips
- Fix:(Misc)
- - two memory leaks associated with Tooltip on system tray