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Versjonshistorie HelpNDoc Personal Edition

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Endringer for v6.4.0.357 - v6.6.0.444

  • Topic editor zoom control: Zoom the topic editor from 10% up to 500% using either the zoom slider or keyboard shortcuts
  • Project analyzer reports can now be printed, or exported to PDF or Excel files
  • Added the ability to quickly run a script from the main window: click the popup from the script editor button and choose the script to run
  • The snippet editor and templates' cover page editors can now optionally show hidden characters
  • Locating a library item from the project analyzer will now select it within the topic editor
  • Enhanced High DPI support for the topic editor: pictures were not always correctly displayed + various drawing enhancements in various DPI settings
  • Improved HTML and RTF importers
  • Improved robustness, speed and security of HND project files
  • Improved clarity of "General information" tab in the project analyzer
  • Anchors could produce extra spacing when exported to HTML documentation formats
  • The code generator incorrectly mentioned that it added banners to the generated output

Endringer for v6.0.0.154 - v6.0.1.167

  • Changing some topic properties such as topic kind, header or footer didn't update the user interface
  • When more than 64 tags were defined for a project, showing the "Insert / Edit condition" dialog did show an error message
  • When a new version is available, the RSS feed now links to the "check update" URL instead of download URL for better information about what's new
  • The HndStatus object was not accessible from scripts
  • HndStatus.GetStatusByCaption wasn't documented in the scripting API help page

Endringer for v5.8.2.643 - v5.9.0.711

  • New WinHelp (*.hlp) file importer (Beta) which can import topics, contents, pictures, hyperlinks and keywords from older WinHelp files
  • Google Analytics support in the default HTML template: add a valid Google Analytics ID in the template settings and it will be included in the generated pages
  • Library items analyzer can now detect and report items used in builds settings: they are not marked as unused anymore
  • New script to merge children topics' contents in the currently selected topic: MergeChildrenTopics.hnd.pas
  • Some common error messages now include help topics for easier troubleshooting
  • In the default HTML template, it wasn't possible to translate the "search..." placeholder
  • Styles gallery now only displays styles with a checked "Quick Access" property
  • HelpNDoc defaults to baseline vertical-align for images while the default HTML template used middle
  • Changes to project author, comment, description, copyright, summary or version wasn't immediately visible in library items' popup preview
  • Mass import library items window wasn't translated to French / German
  • Build log images weren't correctly scaled on high DPI screens
  • Conditional tags were not correctly drawn in the topic editor for High DPI screens
  • When placed right after a bullet item in the topic editor, conditional tags used an incorrect font making them unreadable
  • Text files are now imported as UTF-8 files
  • Importing a document using the library import dialog did import it with an unknown extension resulting in warning at generation time
  • Previous and Next buttons didn't work anymore in the topic editor
  • Faster application loading time by deferring API initialization
  • Fixed memory leaks including an obscure memory leak on shutdown
  • HTML toolbars after creating/modifying/deleting a Quick Template

Endringer for v5.5.0.486 - v5.6.1.532

  • New customizable syntax highlighter with multiple built-in programming languages
  • Help IDs now allow the dash "-" character making it easier to create SEO hyperlinks
  • The quick access toolbar customization is now saved and restored when the application is launched
  • HTML generation now warns if the generated file name is the same as one of the topic's help id as it could cause problems
  • CTRL + Click on a topic link to an anchor in the topic editor will show the topic at the correct anchor's position
  • Project analyzer incorrectly checked spelling in hyperlinks
  • Fixes and performance enhancements in the HND project file format handling
  • Further enhancements to SVG icons rendering and High DPI monitor support
  • For HTML based documentation format, choosing a file name similar but with different case as one of the help ids could cause a file creation error
  • Using the default HTML template, CTRL + Clicking on hyperlinks didn't open in a new window / tab
  • Greatly reduced memory usage for Word and PDF generation of malformed projects with lots of different styles due to copy / paste from third party software
  • Some Wingdings characters were incorrectly exported to HTML based documentation formats only
  • The "?" character is now replaced by "ss" when filtering topics' Help Ids
  • Moving library items or keywords just after changing their caption could cause an error
  • Optimized and improved debug code and reported debug information for the debug edition
  • Fixed obscure memory leaks

Endringer for v5.4.0.395 - v5.4.1.404

  • Pictures included at generation time or linked could be incorrectly sized in HTML based documentation formats
  • Current program version could be incorrectly reported in some places (command line, check software update...)
  • Forcing named license check or de-activating a named license provides more information about the license status

Endringer for v4.9.1.114 - v4.9.2.132

  • Code signing certificate is now trusted by all versions of Windows from Windows XP through Windows 10

Endringer for v4.9.0.111 - v4.9.1.114

  • Bullet and numbered lists were not correctly generated in HTML-based outputs

Endringer for v4.8.0.849 - v4.9.0.111

  • New generated documentation format: Qt Help
  • New auto-completion for hyperlinks: start with http:// or other protocols and hit CTRL-SPACE to rapidly create an hyperlink
  • Distributed paragraph alignment. Only recommended for East Asian languages
  • Opacity support for paragraph background color
  • New scripts for mass header/footer updating
  • Faster project creation and opening
  • Better table sizing in topic editor
  • Setting table cells preferred width to percent didn't work as expected
  • An access violation errors could occurs under certain rare conditions when generating documentation
  • Inserting a page break within a table cell generated produced an "Item index is out of bounds" error
  • Word table of contents page fields lost their style when updated
  • PDF documents automatically switched pages every few seconds when viewed in full screen mode in some viewers
  • Kindle eBooks didn't always correctly display the cover picture
  • Kindle generation log could report an error even though generation succeeded
  • Style names were not translated in the "Styles" group of the "Write" ribbon tab
  • Live spell checker won't report errors with curved apostrophes in French language

Endringer for v4.7.1.684 - v4.8.0.849

  • Auto-completion: use the CTRL+Space keyboard shortcut to quickly create links or insert library items
  • It is now possible to override user-defined variables for each build in the build settings
  • New methods available to scripts and templates: HndBuild.GetBuildFirst and HndBuild.GetBuildWithName
  • Introduce the /l argument to log to a text file when using console line generation
  • Included sample scripts in HelpNDoc's installation directory
  • The THndBuildInfo, THndBuildInfoArray, THndTopicsAttachMode types are now accessible in scripts and templates
  • Switching builds in the generate documentation window will keep the currently visible customization tab
  • Under certain conditions an HTML-based template could produce inactive hyperlinks
  • The default HTML template will now be more reliable when selecting the currently viewed topic in the table of contents
  • The generated HTML could be corrupted when the current user didn't have the proper rights to access external library items
  • The table of contents hierarchy could be wrong under certain conditions when using conditional topic generation
  • Some parts of the user interface were not translated to French and German
  • Only one instance of the installer can be launched at the same time

Endringer for v4.6.2.573 - v4.7.0.681

  • includes a greatly enhanced template editor which can now be used to easily and rapidly create and customize templates for every documentation formats handled by HelpNDoc.

Endringer for v4.5.0.497 - v4.6.0.558

  • Added editable breadcrumb above the topic editor for faster moving within the table of contents' hierarchy
  • New optional CHM decompiler is included which can handle Help Context number import
  • Quick generation process will now indicate which build it is using if it finds a suitable build in the build list
  • Generation process will issue a warning when a template is used by a build but not available on the system
  • Template editor's window has been redesigned and can be resized
  • Numbered lists will be correctly generated to HTML even when items are split by paragraphs
  • On Windows XP, topics with a lot of broken pictures didn't load completely
  • Display of thumbnail for library items is now a lot faster for large libraries
  • The Insert items popup menus are now faster to display for large libraries and faster to include pictures
  • Pasting and dropping pictures is now a lot faster for large projects
  • Popup menus from the "Insert" ribbon tab were sometimes displaying incorrect information
  • The "Insert Image Map" button was missing from the "Insert" ribbon toolbar
  • Renaming a report template removed any spaces in the new name and didn't select the renamed template
  • Links to anchors with a space characters didn't work correctly for CHM, DocX and RTF output formats
  • Opening the style inspector could generate an exception
  • Section indicator was stuck on "Page settings" in the report template editor
  • The new project table of contents importer could generate an exception
  • Better CHM import: some specific files didn't include any content
  • Better HTML import and code generation

Endringer for v4.4.0.418 - v4.5.0.497

  • New EPub importer: decompile and import ePub eBooks into new or existing HelpNDoc projects
  • Added option to disable bookmarks generation in PDF documentation output
  • Default HTML template will now add each topic's keywords in the head meta keywords meta for better SEO
  • Topic content couldn't be saved and loaded for some systems with Asian or East-European languages locales
  • Reduced memory consumption when projects are open
  • Setting some specific topic properties such as "Include in builds" could incorrectly update multiple topics
  • PDF generator could crash with projects containing the "Myriad Pro" font
  • Help file was not showing when HelpNDoc was opened by double clicking and HND project file
  • Files with and .xhtml extension where not imported
  • Better German and French translations

Endringer for v4.3.1.364 - v4.4.0.418

  • · Manage keywords and topics association window: quickly associated with multiple topics
  • · Many default paths are now configurable: default output, dictionaries, project, styles and templates
  • · Added keywords to the analyzer: get stats, a list of keywords, unused keywords, and manage associated topics
  • · The Generate documentation window will now correctly show the most recently created templates when opened
  • · HelpNDoc will use the project path when opening or saving the first project
  • · Folders were incorrectly listed in the project analyzer
  • · Snippets and image maps didn't have any kind setup in the project analyzer
  • · Under certain rare conditions DocX generator could crash with an index out of bounds
  • · Page numbers was always displayed in the table of contents for DocX and PDF even if templates hide it
  • · Image maps didn't correctly encode characters for the Title text
  • · An error message could be shown when previewing a corrupted library image
  • · An error will now be displayed when an image cannot be written to disk due to incorrect characters in name

Endringer for v4.0.3.164 - v4.1.0.219

  • · Conditional generation of topics based on build kind and tags
  • · Double click on a library item in the topic editor to modify it
  • · Live spell checker is now available in the snippet editor and template editor
  • · Better support for touch screen in the topic editor
  • · Importing CHM and HTML files with encoded image file names didn't correctly import those images
  • · Importing CHM and HTML files with images with large file names could crash HelpNDoc
  • · Better Czech dictionary which can handle accented characters
  • · Better compatibility with Word 2003 and Word 2007 for generated DocX documents
  • · Better saving of tables in DocX documents
  • · Possible exceptions when editing the bottom part of a topic and with the find feature
  • · An exception could be shown when double clicking on an item in the find result panel
  • · An exception could be shown when searching in some projects
  • · Some German text labels were too small to display the whole text
  • · Better looking lists in welcome screen, recent projects and help pages with scroll bars when needed
  • · Editing a library item didn't correctly update the topic editor
  • · Easier assignment of custom topic headers/footers: when choosing custom, the popup menu will not automatically hide
  • · Topic kind popup will now check the current topic kind
  • · Code templates didn't respect topic visibility settings

Endringer for v3.9.1.648 - v4.0.3.164

  • The welcome tutorial is now available in German
  • Some German translated strings have been corrected
  • Generating a project from command line with included external HTML documents was not always including them
  • Hyperlinks are now trimmed from the Insert/Edit hyperlink window
  • JQuery HTML template had encoding and tag problems
  • The help window was shown behind the script editor window
  • What's new in HelpNDoc Personal Edition Beta 3:
  • October 9th, 2013
  • HelpNDoc's user interface is now translated in German
  • System variables with date and time are now customizable in project options and will be localized according to project language settings
  • Some formatting could produce invalid DOCX documents
  • Import folder dialog will now automatically refresh the "files to import" list when browse button is used
  • Dragging and dropping a picture when in a table would make it disappear
  • Faster project opening: initial topic was loaded twice
  • Last topic edited was loaded empty if the project is immediately re-opened
  • Link to URL or file topic will now correctly show the URL or file
  • ePub and Kindle documentation were adding and extra colon character instead of spaces
  • New project dialog uses the dictionary defined by the language property for live spell
  • What's new in HelpNDoc Personal Edition Beta 2:
  • October 9th, 2013
  • Merging library items will now display a waiting dialog
  • Save a project as the same opened file shows an odd error message
  • Images were not scaled correctly anymore when too big for Word and PDF documentation formats
  • Hyperlink action provided a different window when used from the popup menu
  • Updated dictionary download URL
  • The font sizes combo box were not reliable anymore for the topic editor, snippet editor, and some template editor properties
  • Some characters in hyperlinks could create corrupted DOCX files
  • Tables could not be seen in editor anymore when borders were hidden
  • Added an error message when trying to add a condition within a table
  • What's new in HelpNDoc Personal Edition Beta 1:
  • October 9th, 2013
  • Redesigned style system: styles can inherit from parents, can be saved, and custom styles can be used for new projects
  • The Word generator will now generate standard DOCX documents by default. RTF option is still available in build settings
  • New Word and PDF template editor: customize page layout, cover page, headers, footers, titles, table of contents...
  • New Snippet library item: Add formatted content to the library and re-use it throughout the project
  • Style inspector popup window to get information about the current text and paragraph styles
  • Script editor to edit and run scripts and automate tasks within HelpNDoc
  • Hyperlinks will now use styles for easier project-wide modification
  • Items with anchors will now display a hint with the anchor name when the mouse is over
  • HTML search engine is smarter: it can search parts of words, results are ranked and words can be excluded by prefixing them with a "-" character
  • New system variables for Word and PDF documentations: display the current page number and the total number of pages
  • External topics can now use relative paths for external files
  • Importing a file or a folder won't automatically create a new project anymore: they will be imported in the current project if already open
  • Copy/Paste of topics between instances of HelpNDoc now correctly include pictures
  • PDF documents could contain un-readable characters in the table of contents when encrypted
  • CTRL+F1 keyboard shortcut was showing the help file instead of just collapsing the ribbon bar
  • Word generator now uses less memory to generate big documentation files
  • iPhone template didn't include custom styles for topic content
  • Google Chrome users can now use the HTML search engine locally
  • Library items shown in popups were not always sorted
  • Word and PDF templates can hide page numbers in the table of contents
  • HTML search engine didn't clear its data between two generation which could lead to outdated search data
  • HTML search engine will now correctly display link topic kinds
  • Help ID generation is smarter: accented characters are replaced by ASCII equivalent for better SEO
  • Cursor position in topic editor was not always reset when moving from one topic to another
  • Initial Help ID for new topics was incorrectly generated using another topic's caption
  • The table of contents title for Word and PDF documentation formats wasn't correctly generated when it contained Chinese characters
  • CHM importer can now correctly handle links with anchors
  • External topics were not exported to Word and PDF documentation formats
  • XSS safety algorithm in the HTML template could break links to topics with caption containing "script" or "javascript"
  • Word and PDF documentation formats didn't correctly generate relative hyperlinks
  • Can't import HelpNDoc v2.x projects anymore: use version 3.9 to convert older projects first

Endringer for v3.9.0.595 - v3.9.1.648

  • · CHM generator's base color can be customized in the template properties
  • · An exception could be displayed when the application is launched indicating that a control had no parent window
  • · ePub generator didn't always correctly generate the cover picture
  • · HTML search engine did infinite loops after clicking on the result when it ended with a space character

Endringer for v3.8.0.560 - v3.9.0.595

  • · Enhanced importer: import multiple files at once into a new project and import various file types
  • · Incremental search in various places: start typing a node caption to search for it and focus it
  • · New keyboard shortcuts to navigate through the user interface: CTRL + F1 through F6
  • · Use the SPACE keyboard shortcut to associate a keyword with the current topic
  • · Panels positions and sizes are now persistent and will be restored when HelpNDoc is restarted
  • · Use the /reset command line option to reset forms size and position as well as panels layout
  • · Installer and uninstalled now warns if HelpNDoc is already running
  • · Greatly reduced memory usage when generating documents with large number of pictures except for Word generator
  • · The styles gallery now resizes itself to fit the whole available space
  • · Command line silent mode wasn't working correctly anymore
  • · Better error message when the project file is locked by another application or instance of HelpNDoc
  • · Reduced flicker in the ribbon bar when resizing the main window
  • · Removed XSS vulnerability in HTML generated documentation
  • · Fixed possible error of the Javascript search engine in the default HTML template

Endringer for v3.7.1.482 - v3.8.0.560

  • Project analyzer will report various useful information about the current project: broken links, merge library items...
  • History of viewed topics with previous/next buttons
  • New project dialog is now resizable and will store its size
  • The "Show Special Characters" feature is now persistent and will be restored each time HelpNDoc is opened
  • An exception could occur at application start time
  • Importing some CHM files could result in empty imported topics: anchors in the table of contents were not correctly handled
  • When deleting a selected topic, the newly selected topic seemed randomly chosen. It is now either the next or previous one

Endringer for v3.5.1.288 - v3.7.1.482

  • What's new in HelpNDoc
  • November 19th, 2012
  • · HTML documentation could not always select the first displayed table of contents item when viewed from a remote server
  • · A frame was displayed around the content when printing a CHM topic
  • · Word generator always compressed bitmap pictures even if the option for automatic compression was not checked
  • · The Word documentation wasn't generated if the used template didn't show the table of contents
  • · Word documentations could add extra empty lines before topic titles
  • · French translation errors in the documentation generation log
  • · The recent projects and places lists weren't correctly saved to the registry which could lead to incorrect entries
  • What's new in HelpNDoc
  • October 25th, 2012
  • · Conditional build system: control which part of the documentation is present in each build through conditional tags
  • · Added keyboard shortcuts to insert/move/delete/edit properties of keywords and library items (CTRL+INSERT, CTRL+ARROW, CTRL+DELETE, CTRL+ENTER)
  • · Some Central/Eastern European characters may appear broken in the CHM search result list: fixed with the CHM template option "Use project charset for topics"
  • · Option to enable only the selected build and rename a build in the build generation list
  • · Popup menu for easier and faster build management in the build generation list
  • · It is now possible to clear recent projects and places from the option dialog
  • · Some fonts with custom spacing could produce overlapping characters in PDF documents
  • · Better support for bookmarks in PDF documents
  • · Some Central European characters were not correctly generated in the CHM table of contents
  • · Better support for some dictionaries
  • · Creating a new blank project didn't set up default project language which could lead to empty title for CHM documentation
  • · Google Chrome now correctly displays the table of contents for HTML documentations when viewed locally
  • · Topics with large caption could have duplicate auto-generated help IDs
  • · Word and PDF documentation didn't add requested page breaks when topic titles were hidden
  • · Parts of the table of contents of some rare CHM help files could not be imported
  • · CHM documentation didn't correctly display table background images and bullet lists images
  • · Recent projects and places could contain invalid paths
  • What's new in HelpNDoc
  • July 11th, 2012
  • · New build system: create as many customized build of any documentation format as needed. Warning: command line changes
  • · Added support for invisible topics: invisible topics and their children won't be generated in any documentation format
  • · Relative external library items are now imported at generation time
  • · It is now possible to indent bullets and numbering with the TAB key
  • · EPub and Mobi generators didn't correctly generate link topic kinds
  • · EPub generator didn't correctly escape Some characters which could lead to errors on the iPad
  • · Norwegian dictionary from didn't install correctly
  • · The default HTML template generated un-balanced HTML comments
  • · RTF importer didn't correctly import relative hyperlinks
  • · Empty topics could produce corrupted PDF table of contents
  • · HTML documentation could cause errors when tabs where hidden
  • · HTML search engine didn't find words containing the "T" character
  • · Color dialog now saves custom colors
  • · HTML based generators will correctly update topic files when the character case has changed

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