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Versjonshistorie NirSoft ShellExView (32-bit)

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Endringer for v2.00 - v2.01

  • Fixed bug: ShellExView crashed on some systems.

Endringer for v1.97 - v2.00

  • Fixed to detect properly the filename of .NET extensions.

Endringer for v1.96 - v1.97

  • Fixed the 'Restart Explorer' option to work properly on Windows 10.

Endringer for v1.95 - v1.96

  • Fixed bug: When the 'Hide All Microsoft Extensions' option was turned on, ShellExView didn't display it as checked.
  • Fixed bug: ShellExView failed to detect some shell extensions.

Endringer for v1.86 - v1.90

  • Added 'Thumbnail Handler' and 'Preview Handler' shell extensions that ShellExView failed to locate in previous versions.

Endringer for v1.85 - v1.86

  • Fixed bug: ShellExView failed to extract the digital signatures on some systems.

Endringer for v1.81 - v1.85

  • Fixed issue: Microsoft shell extensions displayed as non-Microsoft if the compamy name was 'Microsoft Corp.'
  • Added 'Digital Signature' column, which displays the signer name if the shell extension dll is signed with a digital signature. This column is active only when 'Read Digital Signatures' option (Under the Options menu) is turned on. (by default it's turned off)
  • Added 'Auto Size Columns+Headers' option.

Endringer for v1.80 - v1.81

  • Added secondary sorting: When clicking the column headers of 'Type', 'Company', and other columns , the list is sorted by the selected column first, and then by the 'Extension Name' column.

Endringer for v1.76 - v1.80

  • Added 'Show 32-bit Shell Extensions' option, under the Options menu, available only on 64-bit systems. When it's turned on, ShellExView loads the 32-bit instance of installed shell extensions. (Similar to the /wow64 command-line option)

Endringer for v1.75 - v1.76

  • Fixed issue: The properties window opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system.

Endringer for v1.70 - v1.75

  • Added 'Restart Explorer' (Ctrl+E) option, under the Options menu, which allows you to easily restart Windows Explorer if the disabling/enabling a shell extension doesn't affect Explorer immediately (Very useful for Windows 7/2008/Vista).

Endringer for v1.68 - v1.70

  • Added 'Put Icon On Tray' option.

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