Versjonshistorie Pazera Free WebM to MP3 Converter (Portable)
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Endringer for v1.2 - v1.4
- New conversion engine (FFmpeg) and multimedia information library (MediaInfo).
- New control displaying the list of profiles. Now additional separators are displayed between the profiles, which increases the readability.
- New About window displaying additional information.
- Small changes to other interface elements: audio volume slider, navigation buttons, and more.
- The error causing displaying of negative values of processed data after exceeding the 2GB threshold has been fixed.
- Various minor improvements and bug fixes.
- Support for Windows XP was dropped. Windows Vista or later is required. Maintaining compatibility with Windows XP would prevent the use of new technologies, audio and video encoders, and new FFmpeg features only available for Windows Vista and newer.
- Version 1.3 (12.06.2018)
- New conversion engine (FFmpeg) and multimedia information library (MediaInfo).
- New modules: Check for updates, Tools Info.
- Changes in the program interface: new navigation buttons, slightly modified toolbar and menus.
- Added ability to edit output directory list.
- Added option to save the creation, last access and last write time of the source files in the output files.
- Added the ability to select visible columns from the context menu of the file list and from the main menu.
- Bug fixes and enhancements.
Endringer for v1.1 - v1.2
- New conversion engine (FFmpeg) and multimedia information library (MediaInfo).
- From now the program is also available in a 64-bit version.
- Improved reading and writing metadata.
- New columns: Full file name, Audio codec ID, Audio profile, Menu, Chapters, Chapter title, Chapter start, Chapter end, Chapter No, Artist, Title, Album, Year, Track No, Genre.
- New actions: Clear file list, Uncheck all files, Check selected files, Uncheck selected files.
- Displaying a more detailed information about the source files in the File properties window.
- Possibility to splitting the output files based on chapters stored in the source files.
- Possibility to hide panel with conversion settings.
- New visual style: Cobalt XEMedia.
- Added support for Swedish language.