Versjonshistorie KiTTY (PortableApps)
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Endringer for v0.73.1.1 - v0.73.2.1
- new feature: add a new command line parameter -codepage to select a new remote character set (for use in combination with -localproxy option)
- new feature: preparing for 2020
- new feature: preparing Makefile for 64 bits compilation
- bug fix: use SetClassLongPtr instead of SetClassLong for 64 bits compilation
- bug fix: Wincrypt patch is broken from 0.71: replaced by
- bug fix: Patch MOD_CYGTERM removed (replaced by cygtermd)
Endringer for v0.73.0.1 - v0.73.1.1
- new feature: force CRLF on Enter key (see
- bug fix: automatic generation of version.h file
- bug fix: save position on exit did not allow negative values (dual monitors)
- cleaning: ACS patch completely removed
Endringer for v0.72.0.3 - v0.73.0.1
- new feature: 0.73 PuTTY merge
- bugfix: print clipboard menu was disabled on 64bits system (I don't remember why)