Versjonshistorie Wings 3D for Mac OS X
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Endringer for v1.5.2 - v1.5.3
- Use (and require) OTP 17.0 which hopefully fixes unicode issues on win32 [dgud]
- Fix OpenCL so that it works on nvidia cards even though it's built with a 1.2 framework [dgud]
- JPG import now works on the Mac. [Björn Gustavsson]
- Added a new option to Snap[RMB] (in Body mode) that enable the user duplicate the object between reference and target. Thanks to Optigon for suggest it. [Micheus]
- Added a new option to auto save an unsaved project. [Micheus]
- Fixed an issue related to font selection under Windows 7 - fonts' name aren't displayed. [Micheus]
- Fixed an issue related to edges highlight in Tweak and Sculpt that was crashing wings when the object have hidden faces or holes. Thanks to Extrudeface for the report. [Micheus]
- Fixed a issue related to Select Group and Saved Camera windows not be drawn using the alpha settings as defined in the preferences. Thanks to Justanother1 for the report. [Micheus]
- Fixed the duplicated IDs in the language file for "Rename" operations available in the "Geometry Graph" window. Thanks to TulipVorlax. [Micheus]
- Fixed some issues related to images of materials exported by POV-Ray plugin. Thanks to RyMopar that reported it. [Micheus]
- Fixed an error in the "wings_u:relative_path_name" routine that was rebuilding the full path in a wrong way. [Micheus]
- Added support to save and restore the last view settings of a project. [Micheus]
- Added option to customize the grid size. [Micheus]
- Added a new option to Absolute-Move command (MMB) that enable the user set the reference point. [Micheus]
Endringer for v1.5.1 - v1.5.2
- Fix various crashes and instabilites. [dgud]
- Automatically freeze mirrors when exporting, thanks to nemyax for the report. [Micheus]
- Window can be used by users with unicode chars in the name on windows [dgud]
- Fixed an issue setting the camera position with the dialog. Thanks to ekolis. [Micheus]
- Fixed more PovRay output formats Thanks ekolis. [Micheus]
Endringer for v1.4.1 - v1.5.1
- Remove the erlang window and make Wings appear more as a native application
Endringer for v1.4 - v1.4.1
- Major update to the Traditional Chinese translation of Wings including AutoUV, many plugins, tools, and other interface strings. Many thanks to szzz for this amazing contribution! [optigon]
- Wings could crash when launching and opening a file at the same time . The cause was the ets table for fonts could not be written to while the Progress Bar was active. ets tables can only be accessed from the process they are created in unless specifically stated. In Wings the PB run on a separate process so accessing the ets font table while the PB was active led to a badarg since the call was not allowed. The font table is now set to public so it can be accessed by any process. (Thanks to dgud and those who reported the crash) [optigon]
- Help dialog formatting adjustments for Asian fonts. [optigon]
- Improvements to Body|Weld for handeling neighbouring faces. [optigon]
- Update to the the Korean translation to include the interface strings and some key plugins including AutoUV. Many thanks to korea3d for this wonderful contribution and for reporting the string errors he found during the process. [optigon]
Endringer for v1.3.1 Beta - v1.4
- Major rewrite of Tweak to integrate it into the Wings core. The new Tweak features improved performance, additional tools, and more flexibility.
- Lots of new tools:
- Plane Cut and Slice for cutting objects or face selections
- Rotate Unconstrained for multi-axis rotations
- Sculpt Mode lets you push, pull, inflate, pinch, and smooth your model
- Face|Bridge now connects any two face regions
- Body|Weld now manages neighbouring faces
- View Along Nearest Axis (use 1 hotkey instead of 6)
- Interface improvements:
- Asian font support for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
- Rollup windows into their titlebars
- Right-Click menus now sport a Menu Toolbar
- Folders and new icons for the Geometry Graph
- Four colour themes to choose from in the Edit menu
- Save and load Preference Subsets from the File menu
- Automatic menu clipping for long menus
- Tweak Palette for selecting Tweak tools, magnets, and axis constraints
- Fix to properly restore the maximized Wings layout on Windows
- Many bugfixes and improvements
Endringer for v1.3.0.1 Beta - v1.3.1 Beta
- Added a 'wings_convert' script which can convert 3d files without starting wings. Requires an erlang install (and escript in your path) and a wings install. On windows run with c:/path/to/erlang/bin/escript /path/to/wings_convert --help [dgud]
- AutoUV: Added a simple world space normal shader. [dgud]
- Added Select|Edge Loop|Select Nth Ring. [optigon]
- New Feature: Body|Explode scales objects from a defined center. Includes standard and user axes, uniform, and radial axis options. (Thanks to ggaliens for the idea) [optigon]
- New Feature: Rollup any window by clicking on its titlebar. The main Geometry window behaves differently and doesn't rollup. Instead, it moves from the foreground to the background, either covering or revealing any coexisting windows. [optigon]
- AutoUV: Added Move Horizontal and Vertical. [optigon]
- The arrow key and scroll wheel pan speed preferences have been changed to offer a more useful range of adjustment. [optigon]
- Minor changes to Tools|Connect to allow consecutive vertices to be placed on the same edge. [optigon]
- Select|By|Sharp Edges now allows you to specify Peaks, Valleys, or Both. [optigon]
- Bug fix for Select Vertices with 6 or more edges. (Thanks to ggaliens). [optigon]
- For Developers: Added Show Cursor to the Develop menu. In cases where the cursor disappears during a crash, use this option to bring it back into view. I suggest hotkeying it so you don't have to fumble blindly to the menu. [optigon]
- Edge|Flatten (lmb) updated to recognize Edge groups instead of flattening to a common center. Also new, Edge|Flatten|Edge Loops, flattens any selected closed edge loop to it normal. [optigon]
- New Feature: Edge|Crease makes a stylized extrusion, commonly used for adding details such as wrinkles to organic models. [optigon]
- New View Along Axis option to set the view to the Nearest Axis whether that be X, Y, Z, or -X, -Y, -Z. Might be useful for those who would like to reduce their overall number of hotkeys and use one instead of six for axis navigation. [optigon]
- New Feature: Select|Edge Loop while in vertex mode will now convert consecutive vertices to edges. [optigon]
- AutoUV: Added Edge|Circularise to AutoUV. [optigon]
- New Feature: Vertex|Grid Snap takes a vertex selection and snaps each vertex to the closest point on a virtual grid as you drag to increase or decrease the grid's increment. [optigon]
- Position Highlight for Point light crash fixed. (Thank to Fonte Boa) [optigon]
- Build fixes. On some systems, is named and on others makeself, also they can reside in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. Tried to catch all cases. [giniu]
- In the Tools menu, Snap Image and Screenshot have been extended in several useful ways. It is now possible to take a screenshot of just the main viewport. Coupled with this feature are changes to Snap Image, which now has options to Fit the image to the viewport's dimensions. This new combination of features allows for better projection painting workflows using a 2d painting program like Gimp. The new Screenshot features are available through in its options dialog. You can also save the current view to the Saved Views at the same time and with the same name as the screenshot so that they can be aligned later. Additionally, one can now scale the snap image proportionally to its current x or y value, or reset the snap image to its actual size. Also, when exporting or making an image external from the Outliner, the image name will automatically update in the Outliner to the filename you save it as. [optigon]
- Add workaround option for mouse grab problems on linux. See option in preferences/misc. [dgud]
- Sweep extrusion normal fix. [optigon]
- New Feature: Edge|Corner takes an edge selection and adds corner geometry to any edges bordered by a 3 and 5 sided face. Then, adjust the tension before finalizing the corner. [optigon]
- New Feature: Plane Cut for Vertex, Face, and Body mode. Pick the plane and point for the cut, or slice the selection into even sections. Face and Body mode include a Loop Cut option. [optigon]
- Added .svg importer to convert 2d vector drawings to 3d. [optigon]
- Plugin Manager and menu format fixes. [optigon]
- Welding objects with only two faces could crash. (Thanks to Fonte Boa). [optigon]
- The "Scene Info: Area & Volume" command (in the tools menu) has been cosmetically improved and now properly displays the info in a multiple-column tabular-format, which is much easier to read. [scorpius]
- Mirroring a mirrored object could crash. Now fixed. (Thanks to Fonte Boa) [optigon]
- Image Planes are now created with a slight thickness and all their edges set to hard. [optigon]
- Face|Bridge has been extended to connect any two face regions regardless of how many faces or vertices they each have. [optigon]
- New View item to toggle Show Backfaces. [optigon]
- Saved selection groups have been updated to allow Cycling via hotkey, and this feature can be set to cycle only within the current selection mode. I also added some selection group deletion options. One option deletes all saved groups, and the other deletes only those groups that are corrupt. [optigon]
- I have changed the mouse buttons that perform secondary drag operations. For instance, Move|Free has an option to drag in the direction of the screen normal, and this option was bound to MMB. Now it is activated by holding LMB instead. Simiar changes were made to all the other tools that use a single secondary drag parameter. Also, introducing Hold LMB into the mix, allowed me to make Face|Sweep fully articulated between all four drag parameters (Extrude, Angle, Scale, and Rotation). [optigon]
- New Feature: Tools|Sculpt allows you to Push, Pull, Pinch, or Smooth geometry by dragging the the mouse over your model. There are Magnets and Strength parameters but it should be noted that this tool does not attempt to compare with other specialty sculpting programs. [optigon]
- Rewrite of Tweak to integrate it into the Wings core. [optigon]
- New interface features including:
- A Menu Toolbar with icons for undo/redo, repeat last command, changing selection modes, and opening the Select or Tools menus can be switched on/off via Preferences|User Interface.
- A new facility for saving and loading preferences from and into your current session, has been added to the File menu. These new preference subsets are appended with the .pref extension, and are saved separately from your 'master' Wings preference file. Additionally, both the Save and Load dialogs allow you to choose from preference catagories you'd like to load or save from: hotkeys, graphical elements, etc.
- New icons for the Outliner and Geometry Graph that allow you to use custom colors for how they look. These icons can be switched on in Preferences|User Interface.
- Added canned color themes. Switch between them in Edit|Themes.
- The Geometry Graph now has folders and objects are stored alphabetically. You can create, rename, move objects between folders, and expand and contract them. You can also toggle wireframe, visibility, locking, and selections just within a folders pressing MMB on the Object, Eye, Lock, and Wireframe icons.
- Added menu clipping. With all the additions to Wings over the years, the menus have been getting too long for smaller screens. To help the situation, I added a preference to set the Maximum Menu Height in pixels under the Misc tab in the Preferences. The default is set to 0, which auto clips menus to fit in the main Geometry window.
- FBX plugin no longer supported, and removed from the wings source. [optigon]
- The Windows make_installer has been changed to use the vcredist included with Erlang and to work solely with Msys. [optigon]
- Edge|Circularise MMB fix. Center calculated incorrectly. [optigon]
Endringer for v1.2 - v1.3.0.1 Beta
- New Feature: Rotate|Unconstrained is a trackball style rotation tool contributed by ania, complete with magnets, user input rotation points, and accessibility from all selection modes. [Anna Celarek]
- Added Conditional Deselection option to improve Smart Highlighting. When checked, Deselect only enables Smart Highlighting when there is no selection, otherwise the selection is cleared with the selection mode maintained. [optigon]
- Secondary selection Vectors now disregard the Virtual Mirror face, as they should. [optigon]
- The Select|By tools have been extended to search for elements within the current selection, or if there is no selection, to search all visible objects. In addition, Random now has a user input field. [optigon]
- Fix to restore maximized Wings layout on MS Windows. [optigon]
- Fixed a small StereoLithography export bug. [scorpius]
Endringer for v1.0.2 - v1.2
- The object mode (vertex color/material) for objects has been eliminated.
- Instead materials have a Vertex Colors setting that can be "Ignore" (don't use vertex colors; default for new materials), "Set" (to use vertex colors instead of the colors in the material), and "Multiply" (to multiply vertex colors with the diffuse texture).
- The material "default" has "Set" as the value for the "Vertex Colors" property, meaning that if you assign vertex colors to face having the "default" material, the vertex colors will be visible.
- There is a new command (with a sub-menu) in the body mode menu called "Vertex Attributes".
- When opening a .wings file written by Wings 1.1.7 or earlier, the object modes for the objects in the file will be ignored. If there are vertex colors, they will be visible on faces that have the 'default' material assigned. For faces with other materials, the colors or textures in the material will be shown (even if the object was in vertex color mode).
- When saving a .wings file in this version of Wings and opening it in an older version of Wings, all objects will be in material mode (even if they have vertex colors).
- Wings have had the _hole_ material for a long time to fake holes by marking faces that should not be included when exporting.
- There is a new Face|Hole command to create a holes that looks like holes also in the Geometry window.
- To remove a hole, select a face adjacent to the hole and RMB click on the Face|Hole command to create a face to cover the hole.
- When loading old .wings files, all faces containing the _hole_ material will be converted to the new type of hole.
- If you load a .wings file saved with this version of Wings in an old release, the holes will become hidden faces, but they will NOT have the _hole_ material (i.e. they will not behave as holes when exported).
- The smooth proxy is now updated directly when invoking interactive commands.
- Menu Cleanup: Consolidated Extrude with Extrude Region and Extract Region with Extract Faces. Since there is now only one heading each for Extrude and Extract, the mouse buttons that activate specific commands have been changed.
- Collada export. Objects including UV coordinates and materials are exported. Lights and cameras are not exported yet.
- New in Tools menu: Ambient-Occlusion Generator/Baker. It works on a per-vertex basis and uses a standard inside-out approach. Mesh subdivision yields more accuracy. The results are stored in the vertex-colors and can also be baked to a texture through AutoUV.
- Many improvements and bug fixes in the Tweak mode.
- The Wavefront (OBJ) exporter will now export smoothing groups based on the hard edges in the model.
- If View|Scene Lights has been turned on, but the scene contains no lights, the usual modeling lights will be turned on instead so the objects do not turn black.
- When displaying objects that have a virtual mirror face in the smooth preview mode (i.e. turning off workmode by pressing TAB), the seam between the real part of the object and mirror image will now be soft.
- Picking (i.e. finding out which face is under the mouse cursor) is no longer done using OpenGL, but by our own C code, which is both faster and more reliable.
- The internal data structures for edge and vertex tables require less memory than in Wings 1.0, which should also improve peformance.
- The display code has been extensively rewritten and now uses vertex buffers in OpenGL. It should be faster in most circumstances.
Endringer for v1.2 RC 2 - v1.2 RC 3
- Wings could not always save the preferences on Windows Vista and Windows 7 because the registry has a different layout. Wings will no longer attempt to use the registry to find an appropriate directoy into which preferences should be saved, but will use the documented Windows API function.
- Note to developers: You will need to adjust your scripts/shortcuts for starting Wings. See BUILD.win32. [bjorng]
- Dissolving or collapsing an isolated vertex could cause a crash. (Thanks to ania.) [bjorng]
- Fixed various hidden/hole face drawing problems. Hidden hard edges was drawn reported by Ania. Smooth-preview showed edges on hidden faces and the backside of visible faces was not shown in flat shaded view. [dgud]
Endringer for v1.2 RC 1 - v1.2 RC 2
- Using Virtual Mirror on the same object twice would leave an illegal hole in the object. [optigon]
- Face|Intrude would crash if a virtual mirror was present. [optigon]
- Tools|Set Default Axis now offers individual Point and Axis assignments. [optigon]
- Rewrite of Object|Weld to improve its handling of neighbouring faces. [optigon]
- There are a couple of new Camera features which improve upon the Highlight Aim tool. The first is a new option to allow auto aiming while zooming the camera in when part of the model is highlighted. This feature works best when Highlight Aim is enabled. By default the new zoom behaviour is turned off. To enable it, go to Edit|Preferences|Camera|Scroll Wheel and tick the box labeled "Zooming in aims Camera". The second new Highlight Aim improvement, is that it will now recognise if you are aiming at the original or mirrored side of a model that contains a virtual mirror. [optigon]
- Torsten Manz (flugel3d) has updated to the German translation of Wings. [Torsten Manz]
- Vital Proulx (Tulip Vorlax) has added a much updated French translation to Wings. [Vital Proulx]
- Optimized and improved the ambient occlusion plugin. [dgud]
- AUV: When segmenting tries to minimize the number of materials used. [dgud]
- AUV: Decreased the amount vertices and charts were displaced. [dgud]
Endringer for v1.1.16 Beta - v1.2 RC 1
- Using Weld to weld holes could cause subsequent crashes.
- (Problem reported by Mark Whittemore.) [bjorng]
- When a single object is selected, the information about the object in the upper left corner of the Geometry window will now also show the numbers of holes the object has (if it has at least one hole). [bjorng]
- There is a new Shell Extrude command that is a combination
- of Extrude (Region) and Extract. [optigon]
- Several minor bug fixes by optigon.
Endringer for v1.1.10 Beta - v1.1.11 Beta
- Clicking the Cancel button in the file dialog for Mac OS X would cause a hard crash. (Thanks to ycarry.) [bjorng]
- Wings have had the _hole_ material for a long time to fake holes by marking faces that should not be included when exporting.
- This release introduce the command Face|Hole to create a holes that looks like holes also in the Geometry window.
- To remove a hole, select a face adjacent to the hole and RMB click on the Face|Hole command to create a face to cover the hole.
- When loading old .wings files, all faces containing the _hole_ material will be converted to the new type of hole.
- If you load a .wings file saved with this version of Wings in an old release, the holes will become hidden faces, but they will NOT have the _hole_ material (i.e. they will not behave as holes when exported). [bjorng]
- The Turn Edge command will now only turn edges that have visible faces on both sides. In previous releases, it would happily turn edges next to invisible faces (even edges making up the virtual mirror face). [bjorng]
- Face|Extrude (on regions) could be slow if many faces were selected in a pattern with many inner corners (e.g. the selection obtained by first selecting a single face and then pressing "F" repeatedly). [bjorng]
- Palette window: Fixed crash and made the scan command aware of the selection mode. (Thanks to Fonteboa and Deerwood.) [dgud]
- Added an edge filter. Original idea and code from Ed Kolis. [dgud]
- Yafray exporter:
- Changed default settings for Photon Spotlight.
- Added to Help info.
- Changed type for HDRI from HDRI to Image.
- Added .EXR to HDRI Background file browser.
- Added Prefilter option for Ambient light background. [oort]
Endringer for v1.1.9.1 Beta - v1.1.10 Beta
- Tools|Snap Image was broken in several ways. It will now also preserve vertex colors. (Thanks to PuzzledPaul.) [bjorng]
- Attempting to extrude an edge between two isolated vertices would cause a crash. [bjorng]
- Extrude in edge mode would distort UV coordinates and vertex colors. That has been corrected. [bjorng]
- When the hemispherical shader was active, vertex colors was shown even for materials that disabled vertex colors, provided that the object had at least one material with vertex colors enabled. [bjorng]
- Wings 1.1.9 (and would crash when attempting to open a .wings file containing area lights saved by a previous version of Wings. This has been corrected. Furthermore, when saving area lights, they will be saved in the same way as in versions before 1.1.9. That means that a .wings file containing area lights saved by this version of Wings cannot be opened by 1.1.9.x, but it can be opened by older versions such as 1.0.1 and 1.1.8. (Thanks to Micheus.) [bjorng]
- Autouv: Fixed Face|Project Unfold crash when every face in the chart was selected. [dgud]
Endringer for v1.1.7 Beta - v1.1.8 Beta
Endringer for v1.1.6 Beta - v1.1.7 Beta
- Notes:
- In rare circumstances, the progress bar could reach 1.0(the far end) even if the operation was not finished and cause Wings to crash hard. (Thanks to deerwood.) [bjorng]
- The smooth proxy is now updated directly when invoking interactive commands. [dgud]
- New Feature: Create Bounding Box added to the primitives menu. [optigon]
- Scale to Bounding Box selections now keep their original centre. [optigon]
- Turn Edge now preserves Hard Edges. (Thanks to BlackHarmo). [optigon]
- New Feature: Select|Edge Loop|To Complete Loops turns any selection into an edge loop selection. Works from all selection modes and is based on the request by deerwood to be able to extend loops beyond where they stop when using the regular Edge Loop command (L). [optigon]
- Dissolve and Collapse cmds now delete wholly selected efficiently. [optigon]
- Shared vertices are now eliminated on import. (The modeling commands in Wings does not allow creating of shared vertices (also called waists), i.e. faces that only share vertices but no edges, so it should not be allowed on import.) [bjorng]
- When displaying objects that have a virtual mirror face in the smooth preview mode (i.e. turning off workmode by pressing TAB), the seam between the real part of the object and mirror image will now be soft. The Smooth command (and the Smooth Proxy mode) will still sub-divide faces around the virtual mirror face as if the edges were hard, so Smoothing before freezing the mirror and after freezing may still not give exactly the same result (how close the result is depends on the object; for some objects the difference may not be noticeable). [bjorng]
- New Feature: Magnet Mask Deselect - Subtracts locked elements fromthe current selection. (Thanks to Fonte Boa) [metadave, optigon]
- Magnet Mask Select - fixed: Adds locked elements to current selection. (Thanks to Fonte Boa). [optigon]
- Generate release notes for the 1.1.7 release
- Refactoring, bug fixes and a new feature
- Renamed convert_sel/3 to convert_to_vs/3.
- Reorganized Magnet Mask menu. Moved Select|By|Magnet Mask to Magnet Mask menu.
- NOTE: New Feature: Magnet Mask Deselect - Subtracts locked elements from the current selection. (Thanks to Fonte Boa) [metadave, optigon]
- Magnet Mask Select - fixed: Adds locked elements to current selection. (Thanks to Fonte Boa). [optigon]
- Fixed a bug where Deselecting would increase the selection size (with Optigon's assistance).
- Clean up code per Optigon's review.
- Added code for Magnet Mask Deselect.
- Added the Deselect menu item for Magnet Masks, which removes any verts that are in a locked area from the current selection.
- Hide the virtual mirror seam
- Calculate vertex normals (used in the non-work mode display) as if the mirror has been frozen.
- Most of the implementation is straightforward (and explained in comments). But there is one detail worth mentioning:
- We want to keep wings_we:normals() functional (i.e. the result should only depend on the arguments, not on other state such as the process dictionary). The problem is that we need the mirror matrix. We could calculate it from the scratch, but that seems wasteful since we know that it has already been calculated. Therefore, add another argument to wings_we:normals/2, making it wings_we:normals/3, where the new argument is the mirror matrix (or 'none').
- NOTE: When displaying objects that have a virtual mirror face in the smooth preview mode (i.e. turning off workmode by pressing TAB), the seam between the real part of the object and mirror image will now be soft. The Smooth command (and the Smooth Proxy mode) will still sub-divide faces around the virtual mirror face as if the edges were hard, so Smoothing before freezing the mirror and after freezing may still not give exactly the same result (how close the result is depends on the object; for some objects the difference may not be noticeable). [bjorng]
- 3DS import: Avoid assigning the same material more than once to the same face
- Multiple materials per face are not handled in other parts of Wings (yet), so we should avoid creating them without a good reason.
- Also turn off debug printouts.
- Import: Remove shared vertices by duplicating them
- Wings' modeling commands does not allowing creation of non-manifold geometry. However, when importing a model, it is possible to create shared vertices (a vertex thatis shared by geometry that does not share an edge).
- Rewrite wings_we:build/2 to eliminate shared vertices by duplicating them.
- Also change wings_we:build/2 to return the atom 'error' when it encounters an error, instead of throwing an exception, and change the import to stop catching errors because it can hide bugs.
- NOTE: Shared vertices are now eliminated on import. (The modeling commands in Wings does not allow creating of sharedvertices (also called waists), i.e. faces that only share vertices but no edges, so it should not be allowed on import.) [bjorng]
- Break out the code for constructing a new #we{} to a new module
- The wings_we moduleis already quite big, and we intend to add more functionality wings_we:build/2 soon. Keep wings_we:build/2 as the API function, but move the actual implementation to wings_we_build:we/2.
- Some corrections to deleting whole objects, as suggested by Bjorn
- NOTE: Dissolve and Collapse cmds now delete wholly selected efficiently. [optigon]
- NOTE: New Feature: Select|Edge Loop|To Complete Loops turns any selection into an edge loop selection. Works from all selection modes and is based on the request by deerwood to be able to extend loops beyond where they stop when using the regular Edge Loop command (L). [optigon]
- NOTE: Turn Edge now preserves Hard Edges. (Thanks to BlackHarmo). [optigon]
- NOTE: Scale to Bounding Box selections now keep their original centre. [optigon]
- NOTE: New Feature: Create Bounding Box added to the primitives menu. [optigon]
- Fixed smooth proxy, all involved faces are now updated during drag and I fixed virtual mirror crash.
- Conflicts: src/wings_proxy.erl
- Fix trashing of display lists
- Lists with arbitrary integers must be protected within a tuple to not be confused with display lists.
- Don't crash on hidden faces
- Optimized proxy preview during drag commands.
- I have seen both a crash and weird drag state as Getave reported but I haven't been able to reproduce them and have not solved them yet.
- A real fix on crash in smooth-proxy reset code
- Fixed proxy smooth bug, which de-activated the proxy when selecting something.
- I think this caused the other bug as well.
- I havn't been able to reproduce it afterwards.
- Update smooth-proxy during drag
- It still is slow for models with ~5000 faces.
- NOTE: The smooth proxy is now updated directly when invoking interactive commands. [dgud]
- Request correct opengl buffer sizes
- Some speed improvments (with wx build) and fixed wings_pb crash.
- Fixed bug when setting up several color buffers in one fbo.
- Wings can now be run using wx
- All code that directly called one of the sdl* modules have been changed to use wings_io instead.
- From now on, please keep all code clean of SDL functionality. Use wings_io and if the functionality doesn't exist add it to wings_io and wings_io_sdl.erl.
- Wings now compiles and basicly works with wx (with an unreleased development release of R13B02). A default build will still use ESDL.
- Cleaner handling of fatal errors
- If the main Wings process crashed, there is a meaningless stacktrace in the wings_crash.dump file because of an unsuccessful attempt to translate error message strings. Do not bother with the translation and make sure no stacktrace information at all is written if we don't have a stacktrace.
- Eliminate crash in the progress bar process
- Also use timer:now_diff/2 instead of our own now_diff/2 (timer:now_diff/2 was not exported when this module was first implemented, but now it is).
- NOTE: In rare circumstances, the progress bar could reach 1.0 (the far end) even if the operation was not finished and cause Wings to crash hard. (Thanks to deerwood.) [bjorng]
Endringer for v1.1.5 Beta - v1.1.6 Beta
- Notes:
- Re-exporting an imported model with tesselation could cause a crash. Also, when importing objects that had UV coordinates on some faces but not all, UV coordinates would be discarded on both side of edges that only had UV coordinates on one side. (Thanks to Siber.) [bjorng]
- Separating, then Combining an object with vertex attributes would cause a crash. (Thanks to zdarby.) [bjorng]
- Smoothing objects with hidden faces would crash. [bjorng]
- The command Select By|Id would crash in body mode. [bjorng]
- Eliminate selection glitches where elements behind a face could be selected through the face. (Thanks to deerwood.) [bjorng]
- Wings would freeze if there were empty objects in the scene. (Empty objects can only be created by import or possibly by a plug-in, as the core Wings commands will delete an object that becomes empty.) [bjorng]
- The Ambient Occlusion plugin will now correctly ignore hidden or locked objects. [scorpius]
- Some fixes and improvements to Edge|Circularise. Open edge loops should process more uniformly. (Thanks to puzzledpaul). [optigon]
- Warp mouse to proper position follow drag in Tweak. [optigon]
- Toggling xyz constraints in tweak wouldn't update the info line. Now fixed. [optigon]
- Tweak Slide would not work correctly for single edges and would not work at all for selections of two unconnected vertices. Now fixed. (Thanks to Fonte Boa.) [optigon]
- Tweak Slide would not stop at edges. Also made some optimisations. [optigon]
- Changes:
- Generate release notes
- NOTE: Tweak Slide would not stop at edges. Also made some optimisations. [optigon]
- NOTE: Tweak Slide would not work correctly for single edges and would not work at all for selections of two unconnected vertices. Now fixed. (Thanks to Fonte Boa.) [optigon]
- NOTE: Toggling xyz constraints in tweak wouldn't update the info line. Now fixed. [optigon]
- Small change to place the cursor 20 pixel inside the border of the window otherwise dragging past the bottom or right hand side of the window would end up hiding the mouse.
- NOTE: Warp mouse to proper position follow drag in Tweak. [optigon]
- NOTE: Some fixes and improvements to Edge|Circularise. Open edge loops should process more uniformly. (Thanks to puzzledpaul). [optigon]
- Ambient Occlusion Plug-in: Ignore hidden objects.
- NOTE: The Ambient Occlusion plugin will now correctly ignore hidden or locked objects. [scorpius]
- Ambient Occlusion Plug-in: Rewrote get_up_right function.
- Do not freeze if the scene contains empty objects
- NOTE: Wings would freeze if there were empty objects in the scene. (Empty objects can only be created by import or possibly by a plug-in, as the core Wings commands will delete an object that becomes empty.) [bjorng]
- Eliminate selection glitches
- In rare circumstances, it is possible to "select through" a face and select elements behind it. This glitch occurs because the wpc_pick module does not provide any hints about how far away each face is from the eye point (i.e. the near clipping plane). Instead, code in wings_pick attempts to find the "best face", not using a proper intersection test, but through a heuristic method that seems to work *most* of the time. (Basically, for each face, the distance to the plane of the face is calculated and weighed by the inverse of the the dot product of its normal with they eye point ray; the shortest distance win.)
- Eliminate these selection glitches by letting wpc_pick calculate depth values for the clipped triangle vertices (picking the face with the *lowest* depth value which is nearest the eye point).
- NOTE: Eliminate selection glitches where elements behind a face could be selected through the face. (Thanks to deerwood.) [bjorng]
- Eliminate Select By|Id crash in body mode
- NOTE: The command Select By|Id would crash in body mode. [bjorng]
- Eliminate crash when Smoothing objects with hidden faces
- Arrays can't have negative subscripts, so as long as hidden faces are represented as negative face numbers, we must use a gb_tree and not an array to map for the FacePos table.
- NOTE: Smoothing objects with hidden faces would crash. [bjorng]
- Fix crash when Combine is used after Separate
- If an object with vertex attributes are first separated, then combined, there will be a crash because Separate currently will put all vertex attributes into all objects create by the separation, and when re-combining there would be duplicated attributes for each edge.
- Fix this by implementing wings_va:gc/1 which will remove attributes for non-existing edges and call for all objects that doesn't need to be renumbered (an implicit vertex attribute GC are done when renumbering).
- NOTE: Separating, then Combining an object with vertex attributes would cause a crash. (Thanks to zdarby.) [bjorng]
- Don't lose UV coordinates for edges that only have UV coordinates on one side
- Also make sure that wings_va:vtx_attrs/3 returns 'none' andnot 'not_done' if called with invalid vertex and/or face arguments. A call with invalid arguments can happen if hole faces automatically created by imported are tesselated, because the hole-filling code in wings_we may construct faces that share vertices in such a way that a vertex can be reached from a face, but that face cannot be reached from the vertex.
- NOTE: Re-exporting an imported model with tesselation could cause a crash. Also, when importing objects that had UV coordinates on some faces but not all, UV coordinates would be discarded on both side of edges that only had UV coordinates on one side. (Thanks to Siber.) [bjorng]
Endringer for v1.1.4.1 Beta - v1.1.5 Beta
- Fixed Tweak drag Normal. (Thanks to Fonte Boa). [optigon]
- Moving or duplicating a light in body mode would cause a crash on the next attempt to select anything. (Thanks to extrudeface.) [bjorng]
- Marquee selection would selected locked vertices or edges. (Thanks to ycarry.) [bjorng]
- Select|Similar is now faster if the initial selection contains elements that are similar to each other. (Thanks to Ran13.) [bjorng]
- The Wavefront (OBJ) exporter now tries to minimize the number of smoothing groups. (Thanks to Ran13.) [bjorng]
- Fixed loading models when in smooth-preview mode. Reported by Ran13. [dgud]
- There is a major internal change in how vertex attributes (i.e. vertex colors and UV coordinates that are associated with a vertex in a particular face) are handled.
Endringer for v1.1.4 Beta - v1.1.4.1 Beta
- Notes:
- Having wireframe on and workmode off would cause a crash. (Thanks to Siber.) [bjorng]
- Select By|Vertices With could select hidden vertices (i.e. vertices surrounded only by hidden faces). Similarly, Select By|Random could select hidden edges or vertices, and Select By|Short Edges and Select By|Sharp Edges could select hidden edges. [bjorng]
- The Wavefront (OBJ) exporter will now export smoothing groups based on the hard edges in the model. [bjorng]
- For developers: There is a new module wings_va which is ultimately meant to encapsulate the details of how vertex attributes (i.e. vertex colors and UV coordinates) are stored. In this release, wings_va has an API mostly for retrieving vertex attributes (i.e. it does not yet handle updating of vertex attributes). In particular, all functions in wings_face that could retrieve vertex attributes (such as vinfo_ccw/2 and fold_vinfo/4) have been removed. [bjorng]
- Changes:
- Generate release notes
- Replace wings_face:vinfo_fold/4 with wings_va:fold/5
- There are several calls to wings_face:vinfo_fold/4 in wings_we:normals/2, but it turns out that they are not needed. wings_we:normals/2 used to return (for each vertex) both UV coordinates/vertex color and the normal, but all callers only match out the normal.
- Therefore, use wings_face:fold/4 instead of wings_va:fold/5, simplify the return value, and adjust all callers to handle the new return value. (The change in auv_texture cannot be tested, as there is currently no shader that requires normals.)
- NOTE: For developers: There is a new module wings_va which is ultimately meant to encapsulate the details of how vertex attributes (i.e. vertex colors and UV coordinates) are stored. In this release, wings_va has an API mostly for retrieving vertex attributes (i.e. it does not yet handle updating of vertex attributes). In particular, all functions in wings_face that could retrieve vertex attributes (such as vinfo_ccw/2 and fold_vinfo/4) have been removed. [bjorng]
- Eliminate wings_face:vpos_info_ccw/2,3 and wings_face:vinfo_ccw/2,3
- Add wings_va:all/2 to retrieve all colors or UV coordinates
- Start replacement of functions in wings_face with wings_va functions
- Use wings_va API for drawing
- New functions wings_va:face_attr/{3,4} to retrieve attributes
- These functions replace wings_face:vertex_info/{2,3} and similar functions.
- Add wings_va:info/2 to retrieve information about vertex attributes
- Start to move out #edge.a and #edge.b.
- I created a new module wings_va that will contain all operations on vertex attributes (vertex colors and UV coordinates).
- First I will keep the #edge.a and #edge.b fields, but isolate all operations in the wings_va module. I started with the Vertex Color commands in all four selection modes.
- Make wings_face:fold/4,5 vertex order consistent with other fold/info functions
- Compared to other fold and info functions (for instance, wings_face:fold_vinfo/4,5), the start vertex is different. For instance, if fold/4 gives the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, then fold_vinfo/4 gives the 1, 2, 3, 0, which will result in wrong results if fold/4 is used to retrieve vertex positions and fold_vinfo/4 is used to retrieve UV coordinates or vertex colors.
- Change fold/4,5 to be consistent with the other functions. The rule is that the vertex nearest to the successor pointer should always be presented first (i.e. on the left side, use the "vs" vertex since it is nearest to the the "ltsu" pointer).
- This change seems to be safe after a quick look at the code.
- Let the Wavefront exporter export smoothing groups based on hard edges
- NOTE: The Wavefront (OBJ) exporter will now export smoothing groups based on the hard edges in the model. [bjorng]
- Make wings_sel:make/3 filter away invisible geometry automatically
- Also use 'rem' instead of floating point division and trunc/1 to test for even or odd number of vertices.
- NOTE: Select By|Vertices With could select hidden vertices (i.e. vertices surrounded only by hidden faces). Similarly, Select By|Random could select hidden edges or vertices, and Select By|Short Edges and Select By|Sharp Edges could select hidden edges. [bjorng]
- Eliminate crash when wireframe mode and smooth mode are combined
- This bug was found by Dialyzer, but unfortunately only after the release of 1.1.4.
- NOTE: Having wireframe on and workmode off would cause a crash. (Thanks to Siber.) [bjorng]
Endringer for v1.1.3 Beta - v1.1.4 Beta
- For developers: Release notes to be included in a release should no longer be directly added to NOTES-1.1 files, but instead be written into the check-in comment. Everything in a comment from "NOTE:" (without the quotations marks) at the beginning of a line to the end of the check-in comment, will be included in the release notes. To extract the release notes, run the script tools/extract_notes. It will extract and print all notes for all commits after the tag for the latest release. [bjorng]
- The Edge Ring command (Select|Edge Loop|Edge Ring) would select edges between hidden faces. [bjorng]
- Selection (finding out which face is under the mouse cursor) used to be done using a special selection render mode in OpenGL. However, this mode does not work well in all OpenGL drivers. Therefore I have implemented my own code for selection handling in C as a driver for the Erlang emulator. (Thanks to FonteBoa for testing.) [bjorng]
- The proxy mode has been optimized by using vertex arrays. [dgud]
Endringer for v1.1.2 Beta - v1.1.3 Beta
- Notes:
- - Torsten Manz updated the German translation. [bjorng]
- - Menu Cleanup: Consolidated Extrude with Extrude Region and Extract Region with Extract Faces. Since there is now only one heading each for Extrude and Extract, the mouse buttons that activate specific commands have been changed. Please see the related info lines for details. [optigon]
- - Crash when using Shift Spherical (mmb option) now fixed. (Thanks to Fonte Boa.) [optigon]
- - Edge|Collapse now deletes edges more uniformly than the previous implementation. Also, a Rmb option has been added to automatically cleanup any newly created isolated vertices resulting from the collapse edges. (Thanks to deerwood and Fonte Boa). [optigon]
- - On OpenGL implementations without support for multisampling, there would be (harmless) error messages written to the console Develop|OpenGL Errors had been turned on. Changed to only attempt to use multisampling if the OpenGL implementation supports it, and no longer showing the checkbox in the preferences for turning on/off multisampling if the OpenGL implementation does not support it. [bjorng]
- - If a command executed through a hotkey causes an error, a dialog box with some help will be shown. [bjorng]
- - Major rewrite of how geometry data is sent to OpenGL. We used to have a specially written driver, but for future compatibility we cannot use a driver. Instead we use vertex arrays. This is the first step in this direction and we expect to do further optimizations. For the moment, some display updates can be slower and some can be faster than before. As part of this change, the OpenGL renderer has been removed. Sorry for any inconvenience, but it had to go. [dgud & bjorng]
- - This release uses R13B01. A bug fix in the array module in R13B01 eliminates a crash that occurred when all edges in an object were dissolved. [bjorng]
- - This development release also includes all bug fixes in the 1.0.1 release.
- Changes:
- Update release notes: R13B01 is now required
- The following correction in R13B01 eliminates a problem with dissolving all edges in an object:
- OTP-8033 array:from_orddict([]) and array:from_list([]) would construct fixed arrays instead of extendible arrays.
- Some cleanups
- Remove unused raw_vs field in #dlo{}. Remove ?TC(...).
- Eliminate the wings_draw_util module
- Most of functions in the wings_draw_module are only called from one other module. Move those functions into the modules that call them.
- The good_triangulation/5 function is called from two modules. Move it into the wings_tesselation module (one of the callers) and rename it to is_good_triangulation/5.
- Move the code in wings_draw_util:init/0 into wings_render:init/0.
- Protect vertex buffers from garbage collection
- If the last use of a binary is in a call to gl:vertexPointer/4, the binary could very well be deallocated before it is used by (for example) gl:drawArrays/3. Make sure that the binary is kept by passing it to a dummy function after the call to gl:drawArrays/3.
- You might think that vertex arrays kept in #dlo{} records are protected from garbage collections, but it turns out that temporary #dlo{} records are created in several places. Therefore, draw_faces_all/2 and smooth_faces_all/2 also need to protect their D (#dlo{}) arguments.
- Don't keep #dlo.face_ns after creating the display list
- The buffer for smooth normals is never re-used when the display list has been created, so there is no point keeping it.
- Don't build lists that are immediately matched apart
- Use separate arguments instead.
- Handle degenerate faces when showing smooth normals
- Degenerate faces that have lost of one or more triangles in the triangulation would cause a badmatch (because if we see two triangles after triangulation, we expect the original face to have exactly four vertices). Avoid the crash by using the face normal for all vertices if the original face doesn't have the expected number of vertices.
- Get rid of the OpenGL renderer and old drawing utilities
- It is no longer possible to support the OpenGL renderer.
- Use glu:triangulate/2 instead of wpc_ogla:triangulate. Replace the other few uses with primitive OpenGL code (i.e. gl:vertex3fv/1).
- Now supporting split.
- Properly display vertex colors.
- Miscellanous bug fixes
- Optimized drawing by by using a single interleaved array
- I saved some time by putting vertex positions in the same array. This could be extended to always put all data in one array, and we could save information about the layout of the array (stride and so on) so that we could set up all arrays properly.
- The stride is stored with each buffer pointer, so that code outside of wings_draw_setup, will not need to know (or have any need to know) whether a given buffer is interleaved or not.
- Work faces and smooth faces uses vertex arrays.
- First step, to get input of code and for time measurement. Not completely working yet.
- Do not crash on stale hotkeys
- Hotkeys could have been created in ancient version of Wings or in a plug-in that is now disabled. It is annyoying to get a crash dump if you use a stale hotkey.
- Therefore, if a command that is initiatied by a hotkey fails in any way, show a dialog box asking the user what to do. In the dialog box we allow the user to ignore the error or to delete the offending hotkey. (We do not give a "Crash Dump" dump button, because it seems strange to generate a crash dump later than the actual error occurred.)
- To handle the related problem that repeating a command may cause a crash because a plug-in has been disabled, have the plug-in manager delete the last repeatable command (so that it cannot be repeated) if any plug-in was enabled or disabled.
- Handle stale hotkeys in Tweak mode in the same way.
- AutoUV does not yet handle stale hotkeys.
- Only use multisampling with OpenGL implementations that support it
- Test for the GL_ARB_multisample extension and only enable the choice for multisampling in the preferences if the OpenGL implementation supports it. That will avoid (harmless) error messages to the console if Develop|OpenGl Errors has been enabled.
- Also remove defines such as SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS from wings_init that there only there to support an old ESDL (that will not work anyway for other reasons).
- Update Help|OpenGL Info to report the number of sample buffers.
- added uniform edge collapse with optional auto cleanup
- crash when using Shift Spherical now fixed.
- consolidation of extrude region with extrude, and extract region with extract faces.
- Update the German translation
- fixed crash in Edge|Collapse
- Fix bad mirror face in old Wings files
- Some old Wings files can have a mirror face that does not exist in the face table. Clear the mirror face to avoid the later crashes if it referes to a non-existing face.
- Return a correct selection after doing a Doo-Sabin subdivision
- The selection was not sorted in object ID order, which could cause crashes.
- Have wings_wm:update_focus/1 force a redisplay
- We need a redraw event when focus shifts to make sure that the window title bar indicate which window that has the focus. Instead of requiring each window to handle the got_focus message, let wings_wm:update_focus/1 itself call wings_wm:dirty/0 to force a redraw next time the event loop is entered.
- Also remove calls to wings_wm:dirty/0 from the event handling code for 'got_focus' in all event handlers in the core.
Endringer for v1.1.1 Beta - v1.1.2 Beta
- Notes:
- Select Similar Normals with the option Connected Faces Only and a selection comprising multiple objects would cause a crash. (Thanks to pauljs75.) [bjorng]
- Using the Slide command with Clean (Ctrl+Alt+L) would crash. (Thanks to gordo.) [bjorng]
- AutoUV: Doing ReMap UV and choosing Strech Optimization would cause a crash. (Thanks to betelguese.) [bjorng]
- When creating a texture from vertex colors in the AutoUV window, the colors will be properly interpolated (smoothed). [scorpius]
- Keyboard events in Tweak while dragging could cause slow downs. Now Fixed. (Thanks to Fonte Boa.) [optigon]
- Additional Geometry Windows can now be closed from within Tweak mode. (Thanks to Fonte Boa.) [optigon]
- Dragging in Tweak is no longer limited to the size of the current window. [optigon]
- Conflicts due to mouse events in adjacent Geometry Windows have been solved by locking the focus to the original window during paint selection and dragging in Tweak Mode. (Thanks to Fonte Boa.) [optigon]
- New Tweak option to set Tweak Magnet Increment. [optigon]
- Spherical UV mapping corrected. [dgud]
- There are two new commands in the optional Develop menu:
- * Develop|OpenGL Errors to check for and display OpenGL errors after each command.
- * Develop|Print Scene Size to print the scene size.
- Also, the existing commands Time Commands and Undo Stat now handle plug-in commands properly.
- The command Tools|Memory Info has been removed. [bjorng]
- New in Tools menu: Ambient-Occlusion Generator/Baker. It works on a per- vertex basis and uses a standard inside-out approach. Mesh subdivision yields more accuracy. The results are stored in the vertex-colors and can also be baked to a texture through AutoUV. [scorpius]
- Extended Shift plugin to work in all selection modes. [optigon]
- New Plugin: Extract Faces. Like Extract Region but extracts individual faces. [optigon]
- Changes:
- Update release notes for the 1.1.2 relese
- New Extract Faces plugin
- Extended Shift plugin to work across all modes
- Eliminate attempt to use auxiliary buffers.
- Most OpenGL implementations don't provide any auxiliary buffers and trying to use them will result in an OpenGL error and the currently selected buffer (GL_BACK) will be used anyway.
- Added Plug-in for Generating Ambient-Occlusion via OpenGL.
- Uses hardware-accelerated OpenGL calls, instead of ray-tracing, to calculate and set a per-vertex ambient-occlusion factor. A HemiCube is used to sample the environment's visibility. The results are stored in the vertex-colors and can also be baked to a texture through autouv.
- The Hemires variable is hard-coded at 64. Values greater than 64 slowed down the calculation, and made no difference in the result. Values below 64 offered slightly increased speed at the cost of a much worse-looking solution. 64 seems to be the magic number here.
- Remove unused fonts directories.
- Fonts used to be implemented as Erlang modules, but the implementation was changed a long time ago. The plugins_src/fonts and plugins/fonts directories were forgotten.
- Remove the compiler option warn_obsolete_guard. It is default in R13B.
- Speeded up reading of fonts somewhat.
- Reading files in binary mode speeds up file reading by about 30 percent.
- Cleaned up the build of the MacOS X release.
- Moved the mac_make_dmg script from tools to the macosx directory and renamed it to make_dmg. Also modernized it using some new options in hdiutil that did not exist when I first wrote it.
- The driver_symbols files is no longer used. (It should have been deleted earlier when I updated strip_mac_driver.)
- Update relese notes for Develop menu changes.
- Develop menu: Handle plug-in commands properly.
- Plug-in commands can now be timed (if Time Commands is enable) and Undo Stat will show plug-in commands (rather than the last built-in command executed).
- Add a Print Scene Size command to the Develop menu.
- Also remove the command Memory Size from the Tools menu.
- Add a command to the Develop menu to check for OpenGL errors.
- Fixed sphere maps bad behaviour in previous patch.
- I have tested more now, so hopefully it works; no new features.
- New option to set the tweak magnet increment.
- Many users have felt that the default step is too large.
- Fixes and improvements to Tweak.
- Additional Geo Windows now can be closed from within Tweak. Dragging in Tweak mode now uses mouse warping and window focus locks instead of limiting the drag scope to the size of the window.
- Paint picking (all modes) now only registers in the originating window to avoid problems with conflicting selections.
- Fixed keyboard event bug in tweak
- Eliminate crash in stretch optimization remapping in AutoUV.
- Add release notes for the previous commit
- Eliminate crash in Slide with Clean (in Tweak).
- Fixed the AutoUV vertex-colors "bug".
- This isn't really a bug. But the way vertex-colors were rendered
- when using "Create Texture" looked terrible. Now they are are interpolated correctly.
- Crash in Select Similar Normals with multiple objects selected.
- The option Connect Faces Only also had to be set.
Endringer for v1.1 Beta - v1.1.1 Beta
- The data structure for the vertex tables has been changed. (There is one vertex table to keep track of the vertex positions, and another vertex table used for finding edges and face around the vertex.) The new data structure is faster and uses less memory. [bjorng]
- When displaying vertices and edges, a feature in OpenGL called vertex arrays is used to faster transfer the data from Wings into OpenGL. This way of displaying geometry is slightly faster than the previous method. [dgud, bjorng]
- ESDL updated to 1.0.1. (The next release in the 1.1 series will probably not work without that version of ESDL.) [bjorng]
- Magnets are now drawn correctly in Tweak when selections across multiple objects are dragged. [optigon]
- Selectings multiple objects in Tweak and calling a command via a hotkey would only affect one of the objects. Now corrected. [optigon]
- Crash reported by Fonte Boa corrected. [optigon]
- Tweak mode temporary selection fix. [optigon]
Endringer for v1.0 - v1.1 Beta
- Added a new preference in the Misc tab to turn on a Develop menu containing various tools for the Wings developers. [bjorng]
- Added a command to the new Develop menu to automatically time all executed commands. The command name and time will be printed to the console. [bjorng]
- Added a command to the new Develop menu to automatically print out information about the undo queue. [bjorng]
- The data structure for the edge table has been changed. The new data structure is faster and uses less memory. Approximately 4 words (1 word = 4 bytes) per edge is saved.
- Plug-ins that depend on the edge table being a gb_tree will not work. More details can be found in the Change log (which follows these notes at Sourceforge). [bjorng, optigon]
Endringer for v1.0 - v1.0.1
- Notes:
- Magnets are now drawn correctly in Tweak when selections across multiple objects are dragged. [optigon]
- Selectings multiple objects in Tweak and calling a command via a hotkey would only affect one of the objects. Now corrected. [optigon]
- Tweak Crash to do with unchecked camera mode reported by Fonte Boa corrected. [optigon]
- Tweak mode temporary selection fix. [optigon]
- Select Similar Normals with the option Connected Faces Only and a selection comprising multiple objects would cause a crash. (Thanks to pauljs75.) [bjorng]
- When creating a texture from vertex colors in the AutoUV window, the colors will be properly interpolated (smoothed). [scorpius]
- Keyboard events in Tweak while dragging could cause slow downs. Now Fixed. (Thanks to Fonte Boa.) [optigon]
- Additional Geometry Windows can now be closed from within Tweak mode. (Thanks to Fonte Boa.) [optigon]
- Dragging in Tweak is no longer limited to the size of the current window. [optigon]
- Conflicts due to mouse events in adjacent Geometry Windows have been solved by locking the focus to the original window during paint selection and dragging in Tweak Mode. (Thanks to Fonte Boa.) [optigon]
- New Tweak option to set Tweak Magnet Increment. [optigon]
- Spherical UV mapping corrected. [dgud]
- Doing a Doo-Sabin sub-division on multiple objects would leave an invalid selection that could cause crashes. (Thanks to Fonte Boa.) [bjorng]
- Very old Wings files could have invalid mirror faces, which would cause crashes. Now clearing the mirror face if it is invalid when loading a Wings file. [bjorng]
- Changes:
- Fix bad mirror face in old Wings files
- Some old Wings files can have a mirror face that does not exist in the face table. Clear the mirror face to avoid the later crashes if it referes to a non-existing face.
- Return a correct selection after doing a Doo-Sabin subdivision
- The selection was not sorted in object ID order, which could cause crashes.
- Have wings_wm:update_focus/1 force a redisplay
- We need a redraw event when focus shifts to make sure that the window title bar indicate which window that has the focus. Instead of requiring each window to handle the got_focus message, let wings_wm:update_focus/1 itself call wings_wm:dirty/0 to force a redraw next time the event loop is entered.
- Also remove calls to wings_wm:dirty/0 from the event handling code for 'got_focus' in all event handlers in the core.
- Fixed sphere maps bad behaviour in previous patch.
- I have tested more now, so hopefully it works; no new features.
- New option to set the tweak magnet increment.
- Many users have felt that the default step is too large.
- Fixes and improvements to Tweak.
- Additional Geo Windows now can be closed from within Tweak. Dragging in Tweak mode now uses mouse warping and window focus locks instead of limiting the drag scope to the size of the window.
- Paint picking (all modes) now only registers in the originating window to avoid problems with conflicting selections.
- Fixed keyboard event bug in tweak
- Add release notes for the previous commit
- Fixed the AutoUV vertex-colors "bug".
- This isn't really a bug. But the way vertex-colors were rendered when using "Create Texture" looked terrible. Now they are are interpolated correctly.
- Crash in Select Similar Normals with multiple objects selected.
- The option Connect Faces Only also had to be set.
- Notes have been separated into two files.
- Fixed camera mode case clause crash in tweak reported by Fonte Boa.
- Magnets are now drawn properly when multiple objects are selected and dragged in tweak.
- Fixed selection bugs in tweak.
- Error handling for unknown I/O requests was incorrect.
- Simply fixing the original problem would only make it difficult to find the real problem from wings_crash.dump if/when the I/O protocol is extended in a future Erlang/OTP release. Therefore we ignore the request, but log it to the console itself.
Endringer for v1.0 RC 3 - v1.0
- Notes:
- Gordo eliminated some color banding in the task switching icon on Windows and also cleaned up the edges on that icon. [bjorng]
- Changes:
- Clean-up of Windows icon.I was noticing some color banding in the task switcher icon in Windows, and found out that converting the BMP to 256 colors seemed to fix it. While I was at it, I also cleaned up the edges a little bit on both that BMP file and also the WBM used for the cutout. I was just editing the files that came with the install of Wings RC3, so new versions of those are attached. [I updated the wings_icon_small.psd file to match those changes. /Bjorn]
Endringer for v1.0 RC 2 - v1.0 RC 3
- The icon in the top left corner of the Wings windows (in Windows) and in the Dock (on Mac OS X), now has transparency. I have also added a README file to the "psd" directory in the source distribution to explain the purpose of each Photoshop file. [bjorng]
- Geometry Graph wouldn't always focus on mouseover. Now fixed. (Thanks to SoulVector) [optigon]
- Wings could crash if while dragging the rmb was held and the lmb was clicked. Now fixed. (Thanks to Nanakisan) [optigon]
- Various fixes and clean up to Tweak. [optigon]
- Wings will show an error message when it fails to do sphere mapping instead of crashing. (Thanks to deerwood.) [dgud]
Endringer for v1.0 RC 1 - v1.0 RC 2
- This is the second release candiate for the long-awaited Wings 1.0 release. Until 1.0 is released, we will only fix bugs. [bjorng]
- Updated the build instructions in the BUILD.unix and BUILD.win32 files to note that R13B and esdl-1.0 are now required. Also updated the AUTHORS file. [bjorng]
- The eyedropper tool is now working. The actual bug was in ESDL and has been fixed esdl-1.0. (Thanks to Scorpius.) [bjorng]
- The icon in top left corner of the Wings windows (in Windows) was still the old one, and so was the icon on the application switching screen (Alt+Tab in Windows). I have now replaced the icon with the new one, but unfortunately I could not use any transparancy so I had to pick a light gray color that at least in Windows XP is not that noticeable. (This particular icon is set through SDL and SDL only allows a hard-edged mask which might make the edges look jagged. I haven't actually tried setting an hard-edged mask yet because it didn't work in esdl-0.96.0626 - I might try it for the next Release Candidate now that the bug is fixed in esdl-1.0.) [bjorng]
- If Smart Highlighting was turned on, and the hard edge width was set to 1, and the selected-edge width was set to 2 (or higher), there would be an irritating flicker as the hard edges width would be 2 pixels wide when an edge was highlighed and 1 pixel wide when a face or vertex was selected. (Thanks to Gordo.) [bjorng]
Endringer for v0.99.60 Beta - v1.0 RC 1
- This is the first release candiate for the long-awaited Wings 1.0 release. Until 1.0 is released, we will only fix bugs. [bjorng]
- Wings now uses Gordos's new design for icons and about screen. [bjorng]
- Save handling in Tweak Mode has been fixed. [optigon]
- Text plugin when used with the native Wings browser would crash. Now fixed. [optigon]
- Selected vertices and edges would not show up on top of elements marked as the original selection. Now fixed. [optigon]
- Bug fix to Circularise to maintain the diameter of already circular loops. [optigon]
- Vertex|Weld could crash if the resulting geometry formed a waist. A check is now performed to prevent this action. [optigon]
Endringer for v0.99.55 Beta - v0.99.60 Beta
- If you are building this release from source, you must use Erlang/OTP R13B (which was recently released).
- Note for users of Power PC based Macs: I no longer own a Power PC Mac, so although the Mac version of Wings is still distributed as a Universal application, it has not been tested on a Power PC Mac. [bjorng]
- Rewrite of Edge|Circularise to cleanup code, and add/improve features.
- Improved automatic normal picking with internal checks so that users will be less likely to have to reverse normals or specify the angle type (obtuse or acute).
- Closed loops now start off circularised to 100%, instead of having to drag from 0%. This percentage can be adjusted during the drag sequence by pressing and holding the Rmb while moving the mouse.
- Closed loop selections are now resized according to either Diametric Factor or Absolute Diameter (switch between the two by pressing [3]).
- The problem of using repeat arguments and having the diameter default to 1.0, has been fixed.
- The Lmb command now works on both open and closed loops without having to input a secondary plane selection.
- The Rmb command allows the input of a common plane for flattening all the loops, open or closed.
- The Mmb command replaces the old Rmb command, and allows you to specify the end result through secondary selections. [optigon]
- Improved seaching for Similar Normals and Materials for connected faces and added the ability to select similar vertex colours via Similar Materials. [optigon]
- Tweak Mode bugfixes. (Thanks to gordo and Fonte Boa). [optigon]
- Changed default Hard Edge colour to orange {1.0,0.5,0.0}. [optigon]
- Masked vertices will now display slightly larger than the Selected Vertex Size when in vertex mode even if they are set smaller in the preferences. (Thanks to Fonte Boa). [optigon]
Endringer for v0.99.54a Beta - v0.99.55 Beta
- Separated the .ai and .ps|.eps import plugins, and changed them so that objects are centered when they open in Wings. [optigon]
- Removed all code that supported basic menus. Plug-ins that use the {basic,...} and {advanced,...} constructs in menus must be updated. [bjorng]
- Merging objects with masked vertices would not transfer masked elements correctly. Now fixed. [optigon]
- Added Tools|Magnet Mask|Invert, which allows you to invert the masked/unmasked vertices. Only highlighted objects are inverted, unless there is no highlight, in which case all object's masks are inverted. [optigon]
- Added toggle to switch the Magnet Mask On/Off. [optigon]
- Fixed another crash in AutoUV caused by my change in 0.99.54. Basically, I reverted my change I made 0.99.54, so this should be the last crash caused by that clean-up. [bjorng]
Endringer for v0.99.54 Beta - v0.99.54a Beta
- Fixed mirror side Tweak mode selection bug reported by Fonte Boa. [optigon]
- New Feature: File|Import|PostScript(.ps) allows Wings to import .ps files from such applications as Inkscape. This feature reuses code from the .ai import plugin originally written by Howard Trickey. [optigon]
- Fixed a bug which I introduced when I cleaned up some code and corrected a mis-feature.
- (Details: wings_io:get_matchings_events/1 used to return message in the reversed order compared to in the order they were put into the queue; I changed that so messages are returned in the same order as they were queued. Code in at least one other place (wings_toolbar) depended on the exact order of the messages.) [bjorng]
Endringer for v0.99.53 Beta - v0.99.54 Beta
- Extended Edge|Circularise Lmb to handle multiple open edge loops. [optigon]
- Added mmb select option to Tweak, for Maya camera mode users. [optigon]
- Improvements and bug fixes to dragging.
- Now drag position won't jump when constraints are released.
- The numeric tab entry now shows units achieved via constraints.
- Constraint effects now are limited to only the active drag parameter.
- Tools limiting drag distances to a range, would continue to tabulate past their allowed limits, which could result in the user dragging blindly with no effect until the drag distance fell between the limits again.
- Zooming would cause the current drag distance to jump when using tools with mixed drag modes like Sweep, Contour, and Circularise. [optigon]
- Fixed menus so that they won't cover up the Info Line. [optigon]
- Rewrite of the Contour plugin to improve both performance and functionality. It now appears as Inset in the face menu. [optigon]
- Extrude Region would occasionally omit an edge when processing poles with five or more edges (for instance when extruding three or more faces on the top end of the sphere primitive). Now fixed. [optigon]
- Another rewrite of Sweep, mainly to improve processing speed. Other changes include a better implementation of Sweep for individual faces, and a new option to Freeze/Thaw the base of the extrusion. [optigon]
- New Feature: View|Position Camera allows you to position the camera numerically. Includes a preview mode for flipping betweeen the old view and new view by pressing '1'. From the preview, pressing lmb re-opens the camera position dialog, and rmb accepts the current view and exits the preview. [optigon]
- New option, File|Save Unused Materials, can be checkmarked if you want to save all the materials from a scene, including the ones not applied to your model, to a .wings file. [optigon]
- BzFlag exporter added to Wings. [contributed by trepan and optic delusion with minor changes by optigon]
- German translation updates from Torsten Manz.
- New Feature: Tools|Magnet Mask|Lock/Unlock. Locks the positions of vertices against the effects of magnets in both Tweak and Magnet mode with the exception that masked vertices within a selection will not be locked. Display options are included in Edit|Preferences|General > Magnet Mask vertex colour and size including alpha. There are also the option View|Show|Show Magnet Mask which toggles the display and Select|By|Magnet Mask. [optigon]
- For Developers: There are new options for adding draw lists for plugins via #dlo{plugins=[]} added to the wings.hrl. You can follow the example plugin wpc_magnet_mask.erl and check the functions added to wings_plugin.erl to get an idea of what this is all about or ask questions/add suggestions on the Wings 3D Official Development Forum. [optigon]
Endringer for v0.99.52 Beta - v0.99.53 Beta
- Kerkythea exporter added to Wings. [contributed by Chris Hegarty (Avariant)]
- Added a file browser to the Text plugin. [optigon]
- Tweak can now use single and double clicking to select geometry. There is an options panel beside the Tools|Tweak menu heading where you can set the click speed and also turn off this feature. There is also an option to reduce the number of button used to activate Tweak Slide. (Thanks to puzzledpaul, Fonte Boa, and marcin wuu for their input). [optigon]
- Added temporary highlight selection for Edge Loop, Edge Ring, Select All, and Select Similar commands. Now, you can extend a selection by pressing the associated hotkey over a highlighted element. An option to activate this feature can be found in the Edit|Preferences|Advanced dialog. [optigon]
- Bug fixes for the mode specific hotkey implementation. [optigon]
- Code imporvements and an extension of the Select|Similar Normals command. The command now has a new preference to save the Angle Tolerance, which in combination with the Connected Faces Only option, makes this tool great for selecting face regions bounded by sharp edges. [optigon]
- Some object mode selections would cause crashes when used in conjunction with the Duplicate command. (Reported by Fonte Boa). [optigon]
- Dragging Lights as an edge selection in Tweak mode would crash. Now fixed. [optigon]
- Mouse over highlighted items are now added temporarily to a drag operation in Tweak. [optigon]
- Following a Slide+Clean operation in Tweak, if any short edges were collapsed, then an empty selection will now be returned. Returning the original selection was offen times unsafe, because the selected element might have been removed, causing Wings to crash. [optigon]
- Toggling wireframe display for objects in the Geometry Graph using the right mouse button option would not yeild the correct results in some situations. Now fixed. (Reported by pauljs75). [optigon]
- Select by material called from the Outliner would select hidden faces. This has been corrected. (Thanks to odf). [optigon]
- Blocked some face selection tools from selecting hidden faces. [optigon]
Endringer for v0.99.51 - v0.99.52 Beta
- Notes:
- Moving an object in tweak mode would not disregard an existing virtual mirror. Now fixed. (Thanks to yst). [optigon]
- Contour would not produce predictable results when a selected region touched the seam of the virtual mirror. Now fixed. (Thanks to yst). [optigon]
- Circularise would crash when called with but a single edge selected. Now an error message is returned. (Thanks to yst). [optigon]
- Tools|Unitize would crash when called using a selection that contained a light. (Thanks to yst). [optigon]
- Edge|Cut 2/3/4 while in Tweak mode can now be called if the Magnet is turned off. Otherwise, the 2/3/4 keys change the Magnet type. [optigon]
Endringer for v0.99.50 - v0.99.51
- Some Menubar commands are now selection mode specific and as such their hotkeys are now context sensitive. This change affects the Select|Edge Loop items, some of the Select Similar commands, and Tools|Virtual Mirror|Create. [optigon]
- The default hotkeys for Select Prev/Next Edge Loop have been changed to F6 and F7. If you had those F keys previously assigned to another command, then Select Prev/Next will be have no hotkey where conflicts exist. This change was made to accommodate recent changes to Tweak mode, and solves a conflict with the xyz contraint keys (F1/2/3). [optigon]
- Tweak's xyz constraints can now be toggled on/off by clicking the Alt key in conjuction with the axis (F1,F2,F3) you wish to lock. For example, clicking F1 and Alt will toggle the X axis constraint on/off. More than one axis can be locked at a time. Held keys for axes already toggled on, nullify the constraint, and held keys for axes toggled off are additive. [optigon]
- Tab Input for Move in the UVmapper would crash Wings. (Thanks to betelguese). [optigon]
- Tweak Move Normal did not handle some situations correctly. (Thanks to yst). [optigon]
Endringer for v0.99.06 - v0.99.50
- Tweak mode compatibility fixes for Maya and Motionbuilder cameras. [optigon]
- New option to launch Wings in Tweak Mode Preferences|Advanced). [optigon]
- Auto Rotate now works in Tweak. [optigon]
- Advanced menus are now always turned on. There will be a information dialog when you start Wings if you have been using Wings with the advanced menus turned off. [bjorng]
- Set default Menu and Dialog Background alpha to 0.99 to (hopefully) avoid future reports of the top most Menu items not appearing. [optigon]
Endringer for v0.99.05 Beta - v0.99.06
- Internal changes: Warnings were eliminated and all unnecessary imports were removed. (Thanks to Richard Carlsson.) [bjorng]
- The experimental Toxic exporter has been removed. [bjorng]
- Canceling commands while dragging (rmb), would only work while the mouse was relatively motionless. Now fixed. (Thanks to zukas.) [optigon]
- Major rewrite of the Tweak plugin to allow multiple selections and access to all the regular Wings commands from within Tweak. Be sure to check the info line as some of the hotkey combos have changed. (Thanks to Fonte Boa, marcin wuu, and all those who helped during testing.) [optigon]
- Shear's relative mode was broken in the last release. Now Fixed (Thanks to pauljs75.) [optigon]
- Some wording changes to the mouse response preferences. (Thanks to plec.) [optigon]
- Drag response factors in FOV. (Thanks to plec.) [optigon]
Endringer for v0.99.04a - v0.99.05 Beta
- New Feature: Select|Similar Material selects all faces of the same material to the original face. You can select only those faces which are connected to the original face and share at least one edge by check marking "Connected Faces Only" in the options panel. [optigon]
- In the AutoUV window, scaling non-continous faces with magnet would crash Wings. (Thanks to zukas.) [bjorng]
- Selecting every face on an object and calling Contour would crash wings. Now fixed. [optigon]
- Changed [+/-] drag modifiers to use RMB+Drag. Affects Vertex and Edge Extrude, Face|Bump, and Vertex|Deform|Shear. [optigon]
- irtual Mirror and some other commands in the Tools menu would not accept a temporary highlight as a selection when they were called via hotkeys. Now fixed. (Thanks to SoulVector.) [optigon]
- View|Show items were broken. (Thanks to pauljs75.) [optigon]
- If a graphics card indicated that it had shader support, but actually using shaders didn't work for any reason, Wings would crash when attempting to use the View menu. Now Wings correctly handles this situation and removes the Shaders from the View menu if shaders doesn't work. (Thanks to FranOnTheEdge.) [bjorng]
- Smoothing groups in Wavefront import are now handled (i.e. hard edges will be created between faces in different smoothing groups). [bjorng]